SG-1 10x15 Bounty

Feb 07, 2007 21:56

Well, I liked this one less than the last episodes. Since I really like Cameron, I enjoyed learning more about him, his parents and his highschool crush, and I generally like Vala, but this ep was just not so great for someone with an embarrassment squick.

I found some of the high school reunion and Vala meets Cam's parents funny, but some just made me cringe. And while I didn't find Carter and Lee scenes all that amusing, it's interesting to see how they're trying to phase in the new technology. And I kind of liked the irony that the ruthless bounty hunter who was after Daniel as clueless enough about Earth to be just run over by a bus, though the scene wasn't all that funny. Also it's good to know that they probably won't just vanish Cam's high school class for seeing the wrong things.

Anyway, a lot of the humor fell kind of flat for me, and the Lucian alliance and its cronies seemed even more incompetent than usual. I get that the bounty hunters had to be somewhat lacking forr it to be comedy like that, but I was mostly "meh" about that since for me it wasn't all that funny and without that the fact that they all kind of sucked at their job (though some more than others) was a bit annoying.

stargate, tv, tv: reviews, stargate: reviews

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