Dec 27, 2006 01:09
The sound coming from my heater is driving me insane. Not because it is loud or clanking or gurgling or anything, but because it is a very quiet sound, just on the edge of my hearing. It took me forever to even figure out that what I hear comes from the heater or is transmitted through the pipes or whatever. At first I thought it must be all in my head or something because I couldn't figure out where that noise was coming from. It's a very odd mechanical kind of sound, like a quiet droning from a an old belt in a motor or something like that (without the motor sound, just the friction from the belt rotation), and actually I still have no idea why the central heating might produce this noise that doesn't really sound like anything to do with the water in the pipes. And I don't know why it is bothering me this much when it is lower than both the rather quiet fan in my laptop as well as the muted car sounds from outside, either. Argh.
I'm just about ready to consider turning on some quiet music to maybe block it out, even though I dislike having background music on when I'm trying to concentrate on something else (right now I'm coloring some Animal Man fanart). *headdesk* *headdesk*