SG-1 10x04 Insiders...

Aug 05, 2006 23:51

Baal isn't my favorite villain, but he can be pretty cool. I mean, I wondered why the clones were all so easy to pick up by the SGC teams (and how much did I love the competition between the teams over who collected the most Baals? *g*), and then it turns out that it was really all part of Baal tricking the SGC again. I like that he is a clever villain.

However I wanted to whap Sam for giving him (or rather them) the list. They suspected that Baal had to have planned something more for his escape, and still she gave him the intelligence to get to that life-destroying weapon?!?

Watching Vala as part of SG-1 was fun, and how much do I love Cameron when he was resigned to having no control of his own team? I liked how Landry commiserated with him too:
"You don't think you can control her?"
"Oh I know I can't control her, but that's pretty much par for the course. Sir, Carter and I are the same rank, Teal'c is an alien, Jackson's a civilian. I learned a long time ago I don't control anything."
"Who does..."

Also, poor Malcom, apparently the NID really isn't a good place to not get your head screwed by aliens.

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