SGA 3x02 Misbegotten...

Jul 22, 2006 20:21

Personally, I think since they've decided to be ruthless in face of the Wraith threat, they should just go all the way and stop this back and worth waffling about their biological warfare and its consequences. It makes their actions only more cruel (and more stupid), because they're kind of playing with their enemies during the period those don't even know they're enemies, while they know that they can't offer them a perspective, and then they kill them anyway.

Since they clearly expected that the (ex-)Wraith prisoners probably wouldn't survive, the decision that would have brought them the most results would have been to trade them to Michael for food in exchange for him providing more intelligence. I mean, obviously Michael realized that he had no perspective with the Wraith anymore and decided to go collaborator even knowing that the humans would screw him over again, just to buy himself a little more time in which he might find a way to survive in the long run. I don't think he would have refused a deal like that. And Atlantis would have gotten intelligence and not screwed over the one Wraith who helped them without even using him to their full advantage.

That way they perhaps wouldn't have been blindsided by the Wraith's long distance group telepathy thing. BTW, I really wonder why they assume that if the Wraith could communicate their location, they couldn't communicate more. Of course it could work merely like a beacon, but just as well that could just be wishful thinking.

Putting the (ex-)Wraith on some planet and leave Beckett there with a nuke as a failsafe protection was a bad idea on so many levels. Like, did they forget the telepathy interrogation thing when they left the knowledge on how to disable it with their personnel on the planet? Seeing how it was supposed to be a last option they must have known that they might have to use that after some turned back into Wraith. And really why did they leave Carson with so little protection? Even if the prisoners had been fully human without the option to turn into life-sucking monsters, two hundred frustrated humans could hardly be controlled with just, what, three guards either?

I assume they really couldn't rig the Wraith ship to sustain the pods, that somehow these pods need such a significant amount of energy that they couldn't install something on the ship, nor adapt the ones in Atlantis (I mean, Atlantis has some kind of stasis technology too, right? Weir was in one after all.), so they had to dump them on the way or kill them. I still think that just killing them would have been better than to jerk them around, though.

And wrt to their view of the oversight committee basingstoke expresses my thoughts much better than I could.

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