book meme

Jan 30, 2003 21:11

I think tzikeh started it, but it's in many journals.

Book you keep meaning to read that always gets bumped to second place by new purchases:

Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston

Book you put down halfway through and never got back to:

Rituelen, by Ces Nooteboom (btw, I didn't actually try to read the Dutch original, I just thought it's most transparent to write down the original title)

Book you love and can never convince anyone else to read:

I rarely try to convince anyone to read certain books. I'm not very good at convincing others to try SF in general though, if they're not already into it.

Book you'll never read no matter how many people tell you you should:

Any of the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles after Interview With A Vampire. Reading that one, because I was told it's good, was already a mistake, and I try not to repeat those.

Children's book that no one else remembers except you:

I seem to talk a lot less about books than some other people. I have actually no idea which children's books others do or don't remember.

Children's book everyone seems to have read that you've never read / heard of:

I've never read anything by Enid Blyton. Also I've never read anything by Dr. Seuss, but that's not so surprising since those aren't translated. At least I've never seen any German editions, except after there was this Grinch movie they published that one. After first getting online for a while I was really confused by the amount of references to someone I had never even heard of.

Terrific book, terrible movie:

Dune, by Frank Herbert, the movie by David Lynch. While Dune isn't my most favorite SF ever, the movie version, which I watched before reading any of the books, was just confusing.

Book you loved on first reading which on subsequent readings wow, not so much:

The Hide and Seek Files, by Caeia March.

Most Overrated / Overhyped Book or Author, in your opinion:

Florian Illies

Most Underrated / Misunderstood Book or Author, in your opinion:

I don't have a solid grasp on how popular or widely known authors really are. I think Yoko Tawada deserves more readers. I mean, I think I wouldn't have found her work, if she hadn't been living here, and if our community radio hadn't done a recording of a reading.

books, meme

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