close encounters of the moronic kind

Jan 29, 2003 01:19

Some people are just weird, or stupid, or both. As I walked home tonight around 10:30 p.m. two guys who walked in the opposite direction on the sidewalk suddenly stepped into my path, and asked me if I was selling weed. I mean, wtf?! Do I look like a drug dealer? Do drug dealers who are interested in doing business walk down the sidewalk quickly, with a clear direction? And so far I've never seen any women dealing with drugs on the streets here either. When I looked at them like they lost their mind, which was about the third thought after being startled and then vaguely alarmed (I mean, it was dark, I was alone, and two men suddenly stepped in front of me, I certainly didn't expect them to mistake me for a dealer before one of them asked that silly question), they followed the first question with the second of whether I knew anyone else who'd sell them weed, but by that time I was already sidestepping the idiots and getting away from them... Seriously either those morons already were totally out of it, or they've not only never bought any drugs but don't have any common sense either. I have no idea what went through their turnip-like heads, it must have been something like, "hey, I read in the newspaper that this is an area with a drug scene, I'm sure that young woman over there walking briskly along is a drug dealer too", or something of equal logical brilliance.

Now, being asked more or less discreetly whether I am interested in buying drugs, that has happened a couple of times, nothing too unusual about that. Though even that doesn't happen very often to me, after all most people selling drugs will wait for an indication that you're a potential customer. But being approached about selling? That's a first.

rl, wtf?

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