I really shouldn't browse official show websites...

Jan 25, 2006 19:20

I was browsing the official Supernatural site which is one of those annoying all Flash things you can't properly navigate, but have to click at random. However, at one point you can get to this Flash version of John Winchester's diary, which looked interesting enough as far as supplementary website stuff goes, so I started reading that, and once again marvel at the stupidity of TPTB. Because there's this diary entry from December 13, 1983 in which John talks about how the police investigation of Mary's death brought no result, and he writes "All the forensics are back, and they didn't find a thing. No fingerprints, no DNA, no blood, nothing at all left of my wife's body, no sign of anyone else in that house." And I'm just WTF?!?

I'm fairly sure DNA analysis for crime scenes wasn't done as a standard investigation thing in 1983. I mean, I still remember it being all new and controversial much later. Actually according to this wikipedia entry it wasn't even invented until 1984 and first used only in 1986, and looking for DNA traces at the scene of an unusual house fire is not something I think would be done even with a technique that was just new instead of not invented yet.

Thankfully I have no problem to ignore stuff they merely put on websites, but still... *headdesk* It's not that I mind slightly wonky forensics, science or police procedures or facts, I'm not nitpicky, but to be this anachronistic is totally stupid.

supernatural, supernatural: continuity, continuity, rants

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