recent Teen Titans eps

Apr 27, 2004 03:30

Fractured was mostly bizarre, yet still amusing. But the first part of Aftershock? Whoa. The series really shines in the Slade eps.

Slade never fails to make my skin crawl when he talks. And he was his usual creepy self. That opening scene with Terra, wow:

Slade: You've had doubts in the past. Made mistakes. But all that is behind you, isn't it?
Terra: Yes
Slade: You belong to me now, don't you?
Terra: I do.
Slade From this day forward, you will serve me, and me only?
Terra: I will.
Slade: Will you obey my every command?
Terra: I will.
Slade: Will you fight at my side forever?
Terra: I will.
Slade: And will you destroy the Teen Titans?
Terra: I thought you'd never ask.

And then when Terra fights the Titans and he has (apparently without her knowledge) installed a neuro interface so that he can control her powers during a fight, that's some disturbing Master-Apprentice relationship.

Slade: Your new suit is more than a fashion statement, my dear. It is a sophisticated neuro interface that gives me direct access to your nervous system. Your power is my power, my strength is your strength. We are connected, Terra. United. As Master and apprentice, we fight as one.

And now I'm imagining an AU where he did that kind of violation (though Terra doesn't seem to mind) to Robin, and merged with him that way. *shiver*

Poor Beast Boy, though knows he sure knows how to hit where it hurts in an argument, like when he asks Robin "When you were working for Slade, did we give up on you?"

And wow, the Titans are grim and gritty at the end of this ep:

Cyborg: No more chances.
Starfire: No more trust.
Raven: And no more mercy.
Beast Boy: She's just another criminal.
Robin: And we're going to stop her. No matter what it takes.

tv: squee, titans, tv, squee, cartoons, dc: squee, dc: animated

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