Apr 26, 2006 22:30
Two of note in the past two or three days. I don't normally post dreams, but these are kind of noteworthy, for me at least.
The first one, which was either yesterday or the day before, was generically speaking me looking for a wedding venue (guess what's on my mind atm), but the interesting thing is that it featured a place which seems to be a recurring spot for me, because I'm sure I've dreamt about that spot before. I was basically going to look at a hotel which was either at the bottom or the top of a high cliffy sort of place, but the spot itself is this spiral staircase sort of thing which takes you from the top of said cliff to the bottom. Sometimes it's hacked out into the rocks and sort of tunnely, and sometimes it's half in the rocks and half completely overgrown with some thorny bush, probably gorse. This time it was the brushy version. It also has a halfway point, presumably as a sort of midway lookout point. I swear this is at least the third or fourth time that that staircase has featured in one of my dreams. I wonder what significance it has, if any.
The second dream was last night's, which had me wandering around some huge house, I think there was a party of some sort. There was this slavic guy who spoke some sort of slavic language, not Russian, because I could sort of follow what he said but not fully. The most bizarre thing is that he had a litter of about five kittens, who were all together in one little kitten suit. The suit had a zipper going from the chin across the middle of the head and lengthwise along the back to sort of split it down the middle, and the kittens were sort of... well, operating it I guess, although they were just in there and squirming. I recall sitting there and watching it and being upset at five little kittens in one kitten suit, so I was trying to talk to the guy in Russian to ask him to please let them out. I'm not sure he did this, but I think he did, because that's how I found out where the zipper was, because you couldn't see it when it was closed.
There was also a bit in that dream where I was walking to another part of the house which meant I had to cross a sort of bridge underneath lots of big weeping willows, but I couldn't do it because the bridge was teeming with slugs, and I couldn't face having to squash them, even though I was wearing shoes. This must somehow tap into my absolute loathing of slugs, because I think they're the most disgusting creatures in existence.
If anyone has any experience in explaining dreams, feel free to have a go. The kitten suit has to be the weirdest thing I've come up with in recent times though.