not again!

Mar 08, 2009 23:28

Lily has been sick again. She had respiratory problems (runny nose and cough) for a week or so, then she started vomiting Friday morning. She continued getting sick all day Friday, and barely kept anything down at all. Anyway, she was so bad off that we called the doc Friday night and she said we should bring Lily in on Saturday.

Saturday morning, Lily was running a fever in the morning, and she got sick right after taking her Keppra, her anti-seizure med. They had reduced her dose by 1/3 about a week ago (from 150mg to 100mg), so we gave her a half dose, which would bring her to her old dose if she actually absorbed it all, though it is more likely she only had a half dose.

Around midday, we got Lily ready to go and headed to the doc's office. Once there, Lily had a burst of energy, and was running around the waiting room babbling at everyone. Eventually, she came back over to us and sat on Guy's lap. Soon after, I noticed that her eyes were moving side to side, back and forth, without stopping. Guy tried to get her attention and her eyes passed over him and kept moving. I held her head and said her name, and her eyes kept going. Not too long into that, she stopped and got sick. I told the nurses what happened and one came out with a little bucket like they have in hospitals for people to get sick in (not much help, since she was done by then... I had asked for a towel :-\), then the head nurse at the office, Kim, came and got us and said she could get us into a room. Lily seemed a bit confused, but she asked the nurse to hold her. We know Kim pretty well now, so we were all okay when Kim picked Lily up and carried her to the room. Lily seemed fine with it too, though she kept looking to make sure we were coming. All-in-all, she seemed really pretty normal at that point.

But once we got her in the room, Lily got really, really drowsy. Kim took Lily's vitals, but pretty soon, Lily could barely keep her head up. I picked her up and held her, and she fell into a deep sleep. At that point, I started telling Kim what had happened in the waiting room, and how it seemed like a seizure. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that was exactly what it was. I later talked with the neurologist on call at the Children's hospital, and my dad (an infectious disease specialist), as well as the doc Lily was waiting to see, and we're all pretty convinced that was a seizure.

I'm so freaked out by this. I really thought the first cluster of seizures
was due to an illness or the chicken pox vaccine or something. Now I'm not so sure. I'm not really sure what to think. What I do know is that her treatment has just changed from her being on meds for ~6mos, to her being on meds for 2 years. And she's going back to the original dose.

On top of all that, today she's started getting a lot of mucus build-up in her eyes. So she has some sort of eye infection on top of everything else! I know kids are sick a lot, especially when they first start school or day care, but she's sick every week or two, and now this time she seems to have gotten three different things back-to-back. And I'm still nursing her, so her immunities should be better than if I weren't. I can't even think of weaning her until she can go a bit longer without getting sick. I have no time off at work, we have no money, so Guy can't take off, and I'm emotionally frazzled. This sucks. :-(
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