
Feb 20, 2023 18:33

Title: transposition
Fandom: Resident Evil
Series: Comrades to the End
Pairings: Leon/Krauser
Warnings/Rating: nothing of note, but NSFW
Word Count: 8410
Disclaimer: If I owned it, Krauser would be alive.
Summary: Krauser has to rebuild his life in the aftermath of South America. Leon is only too happy to help out.

When Jack wakes up, Leon Kennedy is sitting by his bed. The other man is dozing, sacked out on a hard chair, and that's not a sight he truly thought he'd see again.

What were Leon's promises against two weeks of silence? That could've been the mission talking and a man like that has better prospects than the broken soldier Jack is now.

So his first thought is that he's dreaming; it wouldn't be the first time that Jack encountered Leon there. But if he were dreaming, he wouldn't be here in the USSTRATCOM hospital. His arm wouldn't be so damn weak and his mattress would actually be comfortable. For that matter, both of them would be naked and Leon would be leaning in to kiss him instead of snoring heavily.

The agent looks exhausted when Jack takes a second glance. The bruises underneath his eyes are so dark they seem raccoonish and there's streaks of dirt and blood across his face. Jack can tell he's tried to clean up, his clothes are fresh at least, but that doesn't hide the signs that Leon was fighting recently.

Did he come straight from a mission? He looks like he's barely recovered from the last one. They're working him too fucking hard.

The thought of it is crazy. Not that USSTRATCOM would burn out their best agent; that's far too plausible. But why would Leon come here when he should be resting? Jack figured he'd been ghosted. That the other man had come to his senses once the adrenaline wore off.

So his voice is hesitant as he murmurs, “Kennedy?”

It's barely more than a whisper but Leon jerks awake, leaping off his chair into a ready stance. Definitely just off a mission. The agent doesn't seem to realize exactly where he is, eyes darting around the room on high alert.

But then Leon's gaze finds Jack and there's a flash of recognition before he slumps back into his seat like a puppet without strings. He winces when he lands - bruised ribs at minimum - but his eyes are clear again. Good thing too since Jack is in no shape to fight him down.

“Hey, Krauser,” the man says with a shy grin. Battered as Leon is, the sight of his smile still lights Jack up inside. “I hope you don't mind me dropping by.”

“Don't be stupid, comrade. Of course you're always welcome,” the soldier is quick to answer. “But what are you doing here?”

“Yeah... about that,” Leon answers, his expression turning sheepish. “I know I told you to call me later, but I sort of... lost my phone. There were lizards and giant snakes and...; well, long story short, my phone got smashed to bits in this awful freaking swamp. I'm pretty sure the muck will be in my hair for days.”

Leon's hair looks fine to Jack. A little dirty maybe but still soft and tempting; just begging for his fingers to run through. However, the soldier still has some modicum of self-control. So he simply grins with amusement as the agent scrunches his nose in clear disgust. Jack is enjoying this new awkward side of Leon as the man rambles on.

“Anyway, you don't need the gory details. That phone was a lost cause and they never let me keep my number when they give me a new one,” Leon explains with the resigned air of someone who's lost many phones before. “Which means you wouldn't be able to call me and I never got your number; I didn't want you to think that I'd just abandoned you. Because I really do want coffee and you kiss like a fucking dream. So, well, I thought I'd stop by and try to find you. Gotta plan that first date, unless you've changed your mind?”

Jack doesn't know how Leon does it, just says things like that flat out. He wouldn't have survived this life without his walls to hide behind.

Not my life anymore, he thinks and it's oddly comforting. Because it means he can date Leon if the other man really means it. He can loosen his control enough to realize that the agent looks uncertain - does he really think I might not want him? - and actually reach out.

“Come over here, would you?” Jack asks, holding out his one good arm. He lets himself smile back at Leon, lets his admiration show and his voice stay gentle. Like calming a skittish horse.

The soldier's efforts are rewarded by Leon's confidence returning, his shoulders uncurling and that devastating smile pointed his way again. The other man slinks forward, smooth despite his ribs, and takes Jack's hand carefully. However, he perches on the edge of the bed instead of coming closer, still just a little hesitant.

“You're being stupid, Leon,” Jack says bluntly, preferring to cut straight to the chase. “If you're still giving me a chance, no way I'm gonna miss it. Plan a hundred dates now if you want to; I don't intend to let you go.”

Then he pulls the agent forward and leans in until their lips are almost brushing. Jack pauses there, savoring the moment. Or maybe it's one last subconscious test. He can't deny a thrill when Leon groans impatiently and makes that distance disappear. The other man wraps one hand around Jack's head and slots their mouths together, fingers flexing against his scalp.

Jack groans low in his throat as Leon's tongue darts out, teasing across his bottom lip before slipping inside his mouth. Their tongues spar with each other, tangling together heatedly. The agent tastes amazing, something sweet and smoky underneath the blood, and the soldier's body burns everywhere they touch.

Leon presses even closer, a solid line of warmth against Jack's chest. He's practically in his lap at this point, quiet breathy moans spilling from his mouth with every kiss. The sounds, god, those sounds. If Leon sounds like this already, the soldier can't imagine what he'll be like when he really falls apart. But he knows he wants to hear it desperately.

Jack kisses the other man deeper, slick and soft and wet. He needs to touch Leon, has to feel that skin beneath his hands. The soldier needs to -

Fuck, that hurts! He gasps and doubles over, breaking their kiss abruptly as pain shoots down his arm.

“Oh shit, are you okay?” Leon stammers. “I forgot... Shit, I'm sorry.”

The man sounds stricken and Jack wants to reassure him. It's not Leon's fault that the soldier tried to move his injured arm. But he can't get the words out through the pain. Just grits his teeth and tries to breathe.

“Easy. Easy, Krau- Jack,” the other man says. “Do I need to get the doctor? It's like 2am but I'll find someone. No matter what it takes.”

Leon's hands are steady against Jack's shoulders even though his voice is shaking. Still solid in a crisis; still ready to drop everything when someone needs his help. The soldier leans into him, accepting his support until the sharp stab of agony fades to a dull throb.

Jack should feel embarrassed about his weakness - that's still his first instinct - but Leon looks so earnest that the feeling just can't last. Those wide worried eyes will be the death of him.

“I'm okay,” he says. “Just maybe not as healed up as I'd like to be.”

“Yeah, that probably wasn't smart,” Leon agrees, still on the edge of hovering. “Are you sure you're all right though? I should have been more careful.”

“It's fine, comrade, really. I don't regret it,” Jack continues, needing to get that point across. He has a feeling that the agent will blame himself for the whole thing otherwise. “Give me a rain-check and when I get out of here, we can spend all day in bed. I damn sure wouldn't mind.”

“Okay, it's a deal,” the other man answers and Jack is glad to see his tension finally easing. Leon grins then, bright and teasing, before he adds on playfully, “That'll have to be the second date though. Can't have you thinking that I'm easy.”

His moods are ever-changing, from concerned to flirting in two seconds flat. But honestly, Jack likes it. The other man is professional when it really matters and it's refreshing to talk with someone who doesn't hide the way he's feeling all the time.

“You? Easy? Never,” he retorts, meeting Leon smirk for smirk. “Now tell me about your latest mission, whatever isn't classified. I could use a distraction and kissing you is clearly out.”

“Yeah, okay. I can do that,” the agent says and settles himself back against Jack's good side. “I mentioned the swamp, right? Well, the whole place was flooded, mud up to my chin...”

Jack wraps his arm around Leon's waist and lets the other man's voice wash over him. The story is geared toward humor, but he can hear the close calls in the agent's silences. This mission was another rough one but Leon made it. He survived and his first thought when he returned was to visit Jack's bedside. That realization warms the soldier from head to toe as he slowly drifts back to sleep.


“Kennedy! There you are! What the hell is going on?”

The voice is loud and angry, an unpleasant wake up call. Jack's eyes snap open at the sound and instinct has him reaching for a gun. But there's a weight across his body, keeping him in place.

When he looks down, he sees Leon curled against his shoulder. Somehow he's still sleeping despite the interruption and the amount of trust that shows is boggling. For someone like the agent not to react... that means he actually feels safe or that he's so exhausted he's just dead to the world.

Either way, Jack feels a surge of protectiveness. He wraps his right arm around Leon and glares at the man who just stormed in. It's a fucking suit - bland, blond and totally forgettable. He could be any faceless agent, eyes hidden by black sunglasses like only a douchebag would wear inside. The suit is frowning sharply down at Leon and doesn't seem to realize that Jack is even there. Probably cause I'm useless to him with my arm like it is now.

“Seriously, Kennedy,” the man sneers. “You were supposed to be debriefing twenty minutes ago. I should've known you'd pull this shit again.”

This asshole is more concerned about his schedule than he is about Leon. He rushes forward, ignoring Jack's warning, “Don't!”, and grabs the agent's shoulder to yank him off the bed.

Even Jack can't see what happens next.

One second Leon is sleeping soundly and the next he's on the floor, crouched above the suit with a knife against his neck. The other man is growling, eyes focused on some distant vision no one else can see.

Shit! Jack scrambles off the bed, barely noticing the pain when he jostles his arm again. He's not supposed to be up and moving yet, but he knows Leon will hate himself if he guts this asshole now.

“Easy, Leon. You're all right. He's not an enemy.” It's Jack's turn to comfort one more time and while he's never been made for gentleness, he does his best to sound soothing and moves as quickly as he dares.

Thankfully that idiot suit finally found a sense of self-preservation and is lying very very still beneath the agent's blade. His sunglasses flew off somewhere and his eyes are frightened as he stares up at the lethal man who's looming over him. That panicked stillness is the only thing that saves his life. Any movement and Leon's knife would be in his neck by now.

“Come on, comrade. Let me have it,” Jack says as he reaches out carefully. “I know this bastard deserves stabbing, but you'll regret it if you do.”

The soldier barely breathes as he wraps his hand around Leon's and tugs gently, pulling the blade away from the suit's skin. Leon is trembling faintly, so keyed up he's vibrating, and Jack is just praying that he doesn't go berserk. He's not sure he could stop him if he did.

“I've got you, it's all right,” the soldier murmurs. “I won't let you down.”

With one last tug, he has the knife and the other man gasps sharply, his face clearing in a rush.

“Fuck. I'm sorry,” Leon mutters, sounding completely mortified. He rubs one hand across his eyes and then scrambles off the suit, almost collapsing back into Jack's arms.

“It's okay. No damage done.”

“No damage done? He nearly killed me!” the suit squawks angrily. “You're a damn menace, Kennedy! An unstable, unprofessional, poor excuse for an agent who should be brought up on charges!”

“Shut your mouth, you-”

Jack is ready to tear this dick a new one, but he's cut short by a firm hand on his arm. Leon is back to being calm, cool, and collected and the sharp shake of his head stops the soldier's rant mid-word.

“Don't, Jack,” the agent tells him. “I knew what I was doing when I came here.”

That's not exactly comforting, but he's also not surprised. Not after what he's seen of USSTRATCOM and what Leon admitted to him down in South America. Jack almost wants to steal the other man, grab him and run from the US government. But as much as he likes Leon, would trust him with his life, he just doesn't have the right.

The agent is a grown-ass man. Blackmailed or not, Leon has chosen not to fight against USSTRATCOM and he doesn't need Jack making his life harder with a misplaced need to help.

Indeed, Leon is already leaving, trailing after his masters' dog as he stomps out of the room. But he pauses at the doorway and glances back at Jack again.

“Sorry about this nonsense,” the other man stage whispers, rolling his eyes toward the suit. “These debriefings take forever, but I'll come back when I can.”

And then, with one last smile, Leon's gone.


Jack is left reeling by the agent's visit. He'd gotten used to missing Leon, to thinking it was over, and then all of his assumptions were overturned in one fell swoop.

On the one hand, Jack has hope now. Hope to keep him motivated as he heals from his last surgery and starts the first round of physical therapy. Hope that maybe what comes next doesn't have to be an endless lonely future with no real reason to go on.

But that same hope also leads to doubt and insecurity. Jack hates to admit it, but hope is frightening. Because he can't pretend he doesn't want this. He can't lock down his feelings as long as he's still hoping that Leon meant every word.

The former soldier tries not to dwell on it. He tries to focus on PT and getting his arm functional, if not up to fighting strength. But Jack finds himself dwelling anyway. He runs through every interaction, over and over in his mind until the memories turn smooth from repetition. It's honestly a bit exhausting, irritation and frustration tangling with the doubts still in his mind.

However, all his annoyance and insecurity melt away in an instant when Leon comes back five days later and grins at him again.

“Sorry that I took so long,” the other man says from the doorway, interrupting Jack on his third lap around the room. “I kept trying to get away, but Hunnigan has sharp eyes and apparently everyone wanted their own debrief this time.”

Leon still looks tired, but he's now clean and showered, the hint of a bandage peeking out beneath his sleeve. Jack is glad to know his handlers gave him time for that at least.

“Not your fault,” he answers gruffly. “I know how the brass is about this kind of thing and it's good to see you now.”

It takes Jack effort to admit it. But he's repaid with a delighted smile, a softer curl of Leon's lips than his usual cocky smirk. The agent seems almost shy again, like he's not actually used to being greeted happily. Maybe he isn't the way that damn suit talked.

“It's good to see you too,” Leon replies, walking in and sitting on the end of the bed. “You're already looking better, up and about and everything.”

“Yeah, the docs don't want me getting lazy. I've healed enough to start PT and I'll need it for weeks still, but I assume they'll be kicking me out soon. Won't want me taking up the space when I'm not an agent anymore.”

Jack doesn't sugarcoat it. He has no illusions about his value to USSTRATCOM, but he regrets the words a little when he sees the guilt on Leon's face. Of course the other man believes that he should have stopped Jack's injury.

“Actually, that's part of why I'm here,” Leon says. “I know this might be crazy and we didn't meet that long ago.... But, well, it's not like I'm home that often anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” Jack asks, not sure why the other man seems so nervous now.

“I'm asking...” the agent trails off, then takes another breath and tries again. “Do you want to stay at my house? I have the space and Williams mentioned you'd been living in the barracks here. So I thought, if you wanted, you could stay with me instead. Just until you find something better and get on your feet again.”

“Are you serious?” The soldier is blind-sided by the offer; in his wildest dreams - and there's been many - he never expected that. But Leon must take his confusion as rejection because his face falls instantly.

“Sorry. I- I knew it was a stupid idea. I just thought, since I'm likely to be out of town when you're released, this would help me find you. But of course, you don't want that,” the other man back tracks, stumbling over the words in his haste to get them out. “I'll just get your phone number and we'll schedule a date like normal people. When... when the times work out.”

Leon looks half ready to flee entirely and that's what finally snaps Jack out of his shock.

“Wait! Just wait a second. I'm not angry,” he says, rounding the corner of the bed and grabbing onto Leon's hand. “You just caught me by surprise. At least wait until I say no before you assume the worst.”

“Are you going to say no?” the agent asks in a small voice.

“I'm not sure,” Jack admits. “Did you really mean it? What if you get sick of me? It's a big jump from one mission and some kissing to already moving in.”

“You're not wrong” Leon answers. “But I feel like I know the things that matter. You're a good man, Krauser. I want to date you like we've talked about. I want to get to know you better and if I'm being honest, I also want to know that you're okay. It's not right for USSTRATCOM to just dump you by the wayside and even if you can take care of yourself, I still want to help. You can think of it as house-sitting if you want to, not like I'm home that often. But I do mean it, Krauser. I'm completely serious.”

The man is still so fucking earnest, those beautiful grey eyes fixed on him pleadingly and Jack feels his resistance crumbling.

“I think... I think if we're going to do this, you'd better call me Jack instead.”

“Krauser... Jack, are you sure?” Leon asks and against his better judgment, Jack just nods. But the agent's eyes light up at the motion and he pulls the former soldier into a searing kiss.

“You won't regret this,” Leon murmurs against his mouth. “Or maybe you will, Jack, but I'm going to do my damnedest to ensure otherwise.”

Jack has to kiss him again then, quickly losing himself in the softness of the other man's lips and the slide of skin on skin. When he's forced to pull away by the lack of oxygen, he takes one look at Leon and is sorely tempted to just dive back in again. Because the man's skin is flushed with heat, his lips bruised red from kissing and the look in his eyes is as needy as Jack feels.

But the former soldier isn't actually into exhibition and the thought of some faceless suit watching them stops his desire cold. When he finally gets Leon under him, he doesn't want an audience.

“Fuck,” he groans roughly. “Fuck, but we should stop.”

Jack steals one more kiss before taking a step back, trying to get some distance and his breath under control.

“Spoilsport,” Leon mutters, but he's still smiling. “I suppose you're right. I wouldn't want to be late for yet another meeting and I still need to give you this.”

The agent rummages in his pocket, pulling out a scrap of paper and a key.

“Here,” he says, placing the items in Jack's hand. “This is my address and a spare. That way you can still get in even if I'm not here when you're released.”

“You brought this with you?” Jack asks, feeling like this man will never stop surprising him.

“I was hoping you'd say yes,” Leon tells him. “And I wanted to make sure you'd have everything you need. No matter what, I want you to feel at home.”

“Thank you,” is all that Jack can manage. He doesn't remember the last time someone went to this much trouble just to help him without expecting anything. However, Leon seems to get that he's sincere, giving the former soldier one more quick kiss before darting off to whatever meeting he's running late for now.


The agent manages to stop by a few more times over the next week. Sometimes he helps Jack with his exercises, sometimes they talk, and sometimes they just make out. But to tell the truth, the former soldier can't decide which moments he prefers.

He does love kissing Leon, but there's something about the rest of their interactions that strikes him to the bone. Maybe it's the way that the other man is unfailingly supportive or the fact that Jack really does want to know what makes him tick.

Their conversations don't get too personal, both well aware that someone could be listening or walk in at any time. But Jack still learns the little things, hoarding every detail like the treasure that it is.

He discovers that Leon's sense of humor really is that awful but he never takes the groaning at his bad jokes personally. He learns that Leon likes to cook but never has the time and wishes that he could get a dog like the one he grew up with.

The other man doesn't talk about his family. Based on his expression when they edge around the topic, Leon either doesn't have one or one not worthy of the name. But Jack doesn't mind filling in those silences with stories of his own. He talks about growing up on the ranch, the mind-numbing boredom and backbreaking work and how he got out as soon as possible. Leon is a good listener, always seeming interested and happy to listen to Jack until it's his turn to speak again.

When he does, the former soldier learns that the other man isn't completely alone despite his circumstances. His family now is the one that he's made for himself, the people that his stories always focus on. Leon is Jack's opposite in this. Where the soldier shoved the world away to keep his heart from further damage, the agent gives out his love freely. Leon falls deep and quickly, that much is obvious, and while there's pain behind that smile, there's also joy as well.

Indeed, Jack starts to believe that the other man really means it, that he's 100% serious about this mad romance, and that gives Jack the courage to keep meeting him halfway. It's not easy to break the habits of a lifetime, the voice in his head that says soldiers can't be queer.

Sometimes the voice sounds like his father, may the old man rot in hell, and sometimes it sounds like his old colleagues, the hundreds of off-color jokes floating around the locker room.

Fuck them all. When Jack's doubts creep up on him, he holds tight to Leon's smile and the fragile hope that he can have a life outside the military. He still has no idea what he's going to do next - his options will depend on how well his left arm heals. But he's been thinking about it and he knows there's always a demand for private security.

With the ever present threat of some new virus, a man with experience in B.O.W.s could be invaluable, and Jack has a few old army buddies who went the private route. Some of them may even be willing to overlook his new change of address and if not, then he goes to option B. He doesn't know much, but he knows that he's tired of hiding and Leon deserves more than to be his dirty secret. Jack doesn't want the other man to ever think that he's not proud as hell to be with him.

Even with a crippled arm, Jack is pretty sure that he can kick most bigot's asses without breaking a sweat - and if not, I'm sure Leon will be happy to tag in. It's not like he has to worry about being discharged anymore.

Been there. Done that. Got the grisly scar and a bad pension as my only souvenirs. That chapter is finished now and Jack's in a holding pattern, stuck waiting for the next stage of his life to begin.


Leon isn't there when Jack is finally discharged. The agent had tried like hell, once the doctors finalized it, but of course another mission had sprung up the week before. USSTRATCOM was nothing if not consistent about having the worst timing possible.

So the other man had left Jack with a fierce kiss and a promise to make it home as soon as possible.

“Just get back in one piece,” the former soldier told him, more worried about his health than about the mission's speed.

However, he can't deny a twinge of disappointment when he walks out of the USSTRATCOM building and no one is there to meet him. It would've been nice; he can't deny that. But Jack has an address and a key burning a hole into his pocket, a promise that he won't be alone too long.

So he just throws his bag over his shoulder - the entirety of his life packed into a single duffel - and goes to hail a cab. It's a short drive to Leon's house and when he turns the key in the front door, only silence greets him. The place is... sterile at first glance, a bit dusty and unlived in; the agent hadn't been kidding when he'd said that he was rarely home.

However, there are signs of Leon here and there when Jack looks closer: a ridiculously fancy coffee machine and one mug left in the sink; a trashy bodice ripper sitting by the couch; the rumpled sheets on his king bed, no military corners; and half a dozen knives and guns hidden around the house.

The man has good taste, Jack thinks, testing the edge on one particularly fine K-bar before he drops his bag down by the couch. He's sure the two of them will end up sharing the bed at some point - unless this goes down in flames too fast - but they haven't talked about the timing and he doesn't want to presume that much just yet.

Jack sits down to rest his arm but it only takes about five minutes before he thinks, Fuck it, and grabs his coat again. Leon said to make himself at home and no place is really home to him without at least one case of beer.

While he's at it, Jack buys groceries; the only food in Leon's cabinets was three bags of expensive coffee, a half drunk whiskey bottle, and one sad can of beans. His fridge was little better - nothing but condiments - though he did have a spice rack, fully stocked if you ignore the expiration dates.

So Jack gets the basics. He doesn't plan to starve himself and shopping for food seems the least that he can do. The former soldier is no gourmet chef, but he can make spaghetti and heat up frozen meatballs with the best of them. It's one of his go-to meals when he actually has a kitchen and he could use something decent after all that hospital food.

Jack doubts Leon will return tonight - it's honestly unlikely - but he cooks enough for both of them just in case. If the other man does return, he'll probably be starving and if not, Jack has never been too good for leftovers.

Dinner is surprisingly pleasant. He hadn't realized just how tense being at USSTRATCOM made him until now. This place could well be bugged; he wouldn't find it shocking. But at least there's not that bustle of people anymore: doctors, nurses, other agents - there was always someone and Jack is just glad to finally be alone.

Well, mostly glad. He wouldn't exactly mind some specific company.

However, there's no sign of Leon when he's finished eating so he tries to put that longing from his mind. There's nothing to do but wait and hope that the agent's latest mission is still going well. So Jack does the dishes before digging out some Tupperware to put the food away, the containers just as dusty as the other dishes were.

Then he grabs a beer and settles on the couch. The former soldier is trying to decide if he's prepared to read that romance novel when he hears a key turn in the lock and his traitorous heart leaps in his chest. Seconds later Leon rushes inside, looking around the room a little frantically.

“Oh good, you're here,” the other man says when he finally spots Jack, giving him a weary smile as his shoulders drop in clear relief. “I went by USSTRATCOM but they said you'd left already and I wasn't sure... I was afraid you'd changed your mind.”

“No fear of that, sweetheart,” Jack replies as he stands up to greet Leon properly. The endearment just slips out but he can't regret it when the agent blushes prettily. “If you're hungry, there's spaghetti. I made enough for two.”

“I had spaghetti?” Leon asks, sounding flabbergasted. And well he should be given the state of his cabinets earlier.

“Nah, I did some shopping. Nothing fancy, mind you, but the food should still be warm.” Jack barely has the words out before his arms are full of Leon, the other man kissing him like he needs his air to breathe.

“Take me to bed,” the agent orders, the fervent command sending all of Jack's blood rushing south.

“But what about that first date?” he asks, mind still trying to catch up to Leon's sudden swerve.

“You made me dinner,” the other man answers fiercely. “You're here, you bought groceries and you made me dinner. Besides, we both know that South America was our first real date anyway. So take me to bed, Jack. We've waited long enough.”

And who is he to refuse a request like that again?

Jack surges forward to capture Leon's lips, walking him back to stand against the door. He leans in to press their chests together, wants to feel the heat of Leon's body as he licks into his mouth. Jack tastes every inch of him, teasing and tasting in the same rhythm as the slow grind of his hips, every motion sending sparks of pleasure through his dick.

Leon wraps his arms around him, one sliding across Jack's shoulders and the other clutching at his hair. He moans hungrily as they keep on kissing, wet and open-mouthed, hands clenching as though to pull Jack in. Leon sucks on his lip, his teeth, his tongue, every desperate kiss just deepening. But it's nowhere near enough.

So Jack loops his right arm around Leon's waist and lifts him up in one smooth move. The other man wraps both legs around him, hooking his ankles behind the soldier's back. Both of them moan when Jack leans his full weight against Leon and their dicks press into each other, heat and pressure driving him insane. He's hard as nails already, a little surprised he hasn't burst straight through his jeans.

“Come on, Jack. I need your clothes off,” Leon pants against his mouth, his voice a throaty growl. His hands fumble at Jack's coat but he's not getting far. They're too wrapped together to make undressing easy, but every slight brush of fingers against his skin sends another jolt straight to Jack's groin.

When the former soldier can't stand it anymore, he tightens his grip on Leon and then pulls back from the door. Even with only one good arm, the other man is the perfect size for him to carry and he's holding on so tight that he barely shifts anyway. Leon seems to like Jack's strength; he feels the agent's cock jump at the motion and when he meets Leon's eyes, warm grey has darkened nearly black, pupils blown wide with need.

Desire is a good look for him and Jack has to lean in for another scorching kiss. He stumbles toward the bedroom, their lips barely separating as he works on Leon's holster and then the tight shirt underneath.

The agent is everything he'd hoped for when his hand slips beneath that hem: skin warm and smooth then rough across his scars. Jack wants to touch him everywhere, wants to spend hours mapping every detail of his body and pressing heated kisses to endless miles of pale skin. But he doesn't have the patience to wait that long right now.

It's all Jack can do to actually open the bedroom door instead of kicking the damn thing off the hinges when he runs into it. Leon probably wouldn't mind the way that he's still moaning, his wriggling threatening to destroy the last of Jack's self-control.

“Fuck, why aren't we naked?” he asks, nipping at Leon's throat as he flips on the light and then starts working the man's shirt over his head. It takes some careful balancing and he's pretty sure that he hears ripping, but Jack can't bring himself to care. Not when he can finally press Leon into the mattress and let his eyes drink in their fill. The agent is all long lines and lean muscles, just a shade too skinny, and his chest is covered by a dusting of light hair.

“Let me go for a minute,” Jacks orders, tapping at the legs still hooked around his waist.

“Don't want to,” Leon pouts, sitting up and kissing him again. He sinks into it for a moment, swallowing those gorgeous moans before yanking himself free.

“I thought you wanted both our clothes off,” he says.

“Fair point,” the agent answers and lets him go instantly, falling those few inches to bounce against the bed. “Get on with the stripping then.”

Leon's voice is still rough with need but his grin is wicked and Jack has to laugh. He doesn't think he's ever slept with anyone who had this much fun in bed.

“As you wish, darling,” he tells the other man with a playful wink even as he does exactly that. Jack tosses aside his jacket without ceremony but it's a damn relief when he finally unsnaps his jeans. He peels his pants off quickly, not putting on a show. But he can feel Leon watching as he pulls his cock free, the length twitching at the agent's hungry groan. Jack gives himself one good stroke just to take the edge off before letting it stand proudly as he tears off the rest of his clothes as fast as possible.

Then he looks back at the bed and it's his turn to moan. Because Leon has unzipped his pants and is fisting his dick loosely, eyes fixed on Jack as his other hand runs slowly across his chest. He strokes a little faster when he sees his new lover watching, twisting his wrist and throwing back his head with a low groan.

The soft line of Leon's throat is an invitation that Jack just can't refuse. He surges forward, caging the other man beneath his body as he hovers over him. Jack bats Leon's hand away from his cock and replaces it with his own, reveling in the man's sharp gasp and the silky feel of him. The agent's dick is hot and heavy in his grip, slick with pre-cum on each stroke, and Leon's hitching “Ja-ack” is music to his ears.

He buries his face in Leon's neck and keeps on stroking, sucking on his skin until he feels the agent shaking under him. There's a hickey blooming when Jack finally pulls away, the red mark on Leon's collarbone giving him a possessive thrill.

“I hope that you have lube, sweetheart,” he says. “Because I really want to fuck you.”

“Yeah, I - aah.” Leon's reply dissolves into another moan when Jack strokes his cock again. But the hand flailing toward the nightstand gets the point across. So he yanks at the drawers until he finds the right one, slightly bemused to see a brand-new bottle of lube and a fresh pack of condoms, both clearly purchased recently.

“Were you just stocking up?” Jack asks, holding up his prizes.

“I wanted to be ready,” Leon tells him. “Picked those up as soon as the doctors settled on your discharge date.”

God, that's fucking sweet. Leon seems a bit embarrassed, but Jack is selfish enough to be glad that the agent had to buy these just for him. Although they haven't actually talked about exclusivity, he can't imagine sharing Leon if he has another choice.

“Do you need an engraved invitation or can we get on with it?” the agent demands, snapping Jack from his thoughts before he can start spiraling. “Cause if you're not gonna fuck me, we need to have a serious talk about mixed messages and I've got a dildo with my name on it underneath the bed.”

“Not tonight,” Jack rumbles, pressing Leon down into the mattress once again. “Tonight my dick is the only thing that's going to be inside of you.”

He tosses the box of condoms to the side for later and opens up the lube, getting two fingers good and wet. Leon spreads his legs willingly when Jack nudges in-between them, hooking one ankle around his waist again. His heel digs into Jack's back when the first finger brushes across his opening, that soft furl of muscle fluttering. Leon is so tight that Jack spends a moment simply teasing, stroking gently until the other man's tension starts to ease.

“Tonight this is mine,” he murmurs into the agent's ear. He's never been much for talking during sex, but as he finally slips his finger into Leon, the words start spilling out. “I'm going to work you open until you're begging, darling, and then split you open with my cock, stretch you wide like no other man ever will again.”

Jack punctuates the claim with another finger, pushing two in slow and deep.

“I'm going to show you just how good I can make it, better than any fantasy you've had. You've thought about this, haven't you?” he asks. But Leon doesn't answer at first, too caught up in his pleasure as Jack pulls out again.

So he pauses before the next thrust and repeats the question, fingers barely stretching Leon's rim until the other man gasps out, “Yes! I dreamed about this, Jack. I wanted you so bad. Got myself off in the bathroom before that first visit because I couldn't take it, was terrified you wouldn't still want me the same way.”

That image sends another rush of heat through Jack. He rewards Leon's honesty with a filthy kiss and a deep stroke with both fingers, relishing the agent's moan when he brings the third to bear.

“You're fucking crazy, sweetheart, jacking off at USSTRATCOM. Just couldn't take it, could you?” he murmurs, though Leon is in no state to answer him. “The perfect agent in the field and such a disaster otherwise. I fucking love the mess you are.”

Jack is a hair's breadth from declaring his absolute devotion; he's honestly doesn't think it would even be a lie. But for all they've done this whole thing backwards, that's a bit early yet. So he fights back the words for now, silencing his voice against Leon's lips and spreading three fingers wide.

Jack stops to add more lube before twisting his fingers deeper. He brushes over Leon's prostate and the other man nearly jolts off the bed with a sharp cry. So Jack holds the agent down, careful to check he doesn't mind it before tightening his grip. Leon feels so good beneath him, strong and soft in the best way, and Jack doesn't think he's ever wanted anyone this much.

“Next time I want to watch you,” Jack tells Leon. “I want to watch you fuck yourself with that dildo you promised me.”

The other man keens at the words, pushing into the next thrust of his fingers desperately. His body takes Jack easily, muscles clenching around him as though to pull him in.

“You like that idea, do you?” he asks, stroking over Leon's prostate and teasing his pinky against the other's rim. Three might be enough but Jack wants one more just to be safe. He knows he's big and he won't let impatience lead to injury. “Will you give me a show, darling? Spread your legs and bury that fake cock inside you. Show me how you thought I'd fuck you, get that hole stretched pink and puffy until you can't take it anymore. Ride that dildo like I'll let you ride me afterwards.”

“Jack, please,” Leon begs, back arching as that fourth finger slowly slips into him. The agent is panting heavily, moaning at the stretch. He can't move far within Jack's grip, but his hips rock into his hand, trying to take him further in.

“Please, c'mon, just fuck me,” Leon orders. One more sharp jerk of his hips and Jack slides in to the third knuckle, his breath catching as his lover's body swallows him. He just has to see it, draws back to watch as his fingers disappear.

“God, sweetheart, look at you,” Jack whispers. Leon is well stretched now, that burning heat a temptation that's near impossible to resist. He could probably get his thumb in with more lube and some patience, is pretty sure that Leon would just take everything.

The other man keens when Jack gives one more firm thrust, clenching tight around his fingers, and all thoughts of next time fly out of his head. He thinks he actually might die if he doesn't get his cock inside his lover now. Leon is no better off, his dick throbbing red and leaking pre-cum as he pleads wordlessly.

“Just a few more seconds, darling,” Jack promises. He pulls his hand free gently and scrabbles for the condoms, cursing as his slick fingers struggle with the box. Jack tears the wrapper with his teeth and rolls it on with shaking hands, grabbing the base of his cock to stop from coming then and there.

“Do you want to turn over?” he asks. “It might make this easier.”

“No, I want to see you,” Leon answers roughly. “Want to kiss you.”

So Jack hitches the agent's leg a little higher and tugs him into position, leaning in to claim those sweet lips again. Both of them groan when his dick finds Leon's entrance, just a faint hint of resistance before the head slips into him. Jack pushes deeper inch by inch until he drags across his lover's prostate and the other man writhes under him.

“Fuck, I can't,” Leon gasps and then he's coming with a wordless cry. He tightens around Jack as he spills across his stomach, nearly dragging him over the edge as well. Jack holds onto his self-control by the thinnest margin, unwilling to let this be over yet.

But when the other man catches his breath, “Damn it all!” is the first thing out of his mouth and to be honest, that's not exactly what Jack wants to hear.

“You all right?” he asks, holding himself steady with an effort.

“I'm fantastic,” Leon tells him and there's the satisfaction, laced through his voice in a deep purr. “But I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I'm usually more considerate than that.”

“Do you hear me complaining, sweetheart?” Jack replies and even with his length buried deep in Leon, it's still the pet name that makes his lover blush. “This one is my fault anyway. Should've taken the edge off after getting you all riled up. Do you mind if I keep going or do you need me to pull out?”

At this point, he could probably come with just a few strokes of his own hand. It wouldn't be a hardship but Leon shakes his head.

“No, I want to feel you,” the agent answers. “Want you to fuck me properly.”

“All right, darling. If that's what you want then I'm happy to oblige,” Jack says, leaning in to kiss him thoroughly before giving a slow roll of his hips. Even that much feels amazing, the hot tight drag of Leon's rim around his cock.

Since he's been given the chance, the former soldier intends to savor this. He keeps to a slow rhythm, long slow thrusts that make Leon moan prettily. The other man must be sensitive and Jack keeps expecting him to say, “Too much.”

But Leon never does. Instead, the agent rocks his hips to meet Jack's thrusts, legs tightening around his waist and pulling him as deep as possible. Although Leon isn't hard yet, not this quickly after coming, it's impossible to deny that he really wants this after all.

So Jack finally lets himself stop waiting; he lets go of his control. He speeds up his thrusts, chasing his own pleasure in the heat of Leon's body. The bed creaks underneath them, his arms starting to burn with every stroke.

He's so close now as he slams into that silken vise, every thrust urged onward by the sting of Leon's nails against his skin. The other man is clutching at his shoulders, face gone slack with bliss as his cock starts to fill again. Jack can feel it sliding across his stomach whenever he drives forward, Leon's broken moans adding to his building pleasure.

The man knew that voice would be the death of him, each low rumble like hands stroking over him. So with one last deep thrust, he grinds into Leon's prostate and feels the agent clench around him beautifully.


That rich cry against his ear is the tipping point. He presses his face to Leon's chest and lets pleasure overtake him, vision graying at the edges as bliss carries him away.

Then Jack collapses down on Leon, breathing heavily. He barely manages to catch his own weight partially, trying not to crush his lover under him. But Leon doesn't seem to care. The other man just holds him closer and rolls his hips again, grinding his own length into Jack's stomach. It's too much, those little motions, but he dearly wants to watch Leon come again.

Jack pushes himself up just far enough to pull out, both of them groaning when his cock slips free. He ties off the condom as quickly as he can, but Leon already has a hand on his own length by then. So Jack adds another, sprawling next to his lover and admiring the way that their joined hands swallow up his dick.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Jack murmurs, teasing his fingers across Leon's slit as the agent's hand moves faster, his breath panting once again. The other man tosses his head sharply, skin glowing slick with sweat. Then his expression shatters, a silent cry of pleasure, before his cock spurts across their hands and he too collapses bonelessly.

Both of them are wrecked now, filthy with sweat and cum drying on their skin, and Jack knows his arm will be stiff as all hell tomorrow. But he can't regret a moment. Not when he feels wrung out in the best way, his lover warm and willing as he tucks him against his side. Because Leon is gorgeous like this, a soft and sleepy version that Jack feels privileged to see. Once he's caught his breath, he'll drag Leon into the shower and make sure that he's cleaned up before he passes out. But that's a job for future Jack. Current Jack is content to lie here cuddling.

“So, how about that second date?” Leon asks after a minute, roughened voice still music to his ears.

“I'll take you out for pancakes in the morning,” Jack promises easily. “Hell, I'll take you out for pancakes every morning as long as you're around.”

“Careful, I might hold you to that,” the other man murmurs. But even if he does, Jack has no plans to argue. Honestly, forever sounds damn good to him.


nsfw, post-series, leon-ship, fic, comrades to the end*, humor, resident evil, canon!au, poignant

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