Promptathon Round Up - Day Four!

Mar 31, 2007 00:55

Fiction (by fandom)

Angel the Series

secondalto: Never Enough Angel the Series, Angel, time (gen) PG-13

due South

aingeal8c: Graduation, due South, Vecchio, uniform, G
aingeal8c: Interlude, due South, Fraser/Vecchio, dark, PG
aingeal8c: Together, due South, Fraser/Vecchio, belonging, G

Green Wing

leiascully: These Days, Green Wing, Guy(/Caro), now, G
catwalksalone: Twisting In The Wind, Green Wing, Guy/Mac, proof, 15 (language)
quiesce: Final Wager, Green Wing, Guy/Mac, jelly, PG
leiascully: Anecdotal, Green Wing, Caro(/Guy), wonky,
leiascully: Perpetuity, Green Wing, Mac(/Caro/Guy), then, PG

Good Omens

etcetera_cat: Morning Has Broken Good Omens - Crowley/Aziraphale, first light, G

Last 5 Years

enterincolor: Direction, Last 5 Years, Elise/Jamie (sorta), love, PG


enterincolor: The Rules, Rent, Alison, how to be a Grey, G
enterincolor: Crazygirl, Rent, April, shadow, PG (warning for insanity)


buzzylittleb: Dreams of Destruction and Ice Cream Sandman, Dream/Death, ice cream, gen, G

Sports Night

catwalksalone: Stormy Weather, Sports Night, Dan/Casey, rain, PG
catwalksalone: James Dean, Sports Night, Dan/Casey, rock and roll, PG
catwalksalone: Sincerely Yours, Dan/Casey, letters, PG
quiesce: Unspoken, Sports Night, Dan/Casey/Dana, as long as, R

Art (by fandom)

None submitted

Vids (by fandom)

voiceless009: Things I'll Never Say, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, unsaid, PG-ish

Don't forget to give these FABULOUSLY creative people feedback! And if you liked what you saw, please feel free to come and play with us!


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