The Incursion: Interlude One (BTVS/DW)

Aug 01, 2008 20:45

Title: The Incursion
Author: rat_hospital
Characters: Ace, Faith, Willow, Giles, Xander, and the 7th Doctor
Rating: PG-13 for language and mild content
Summary: The time has come at last. They have waited for so long. The new Watchers Council will need all the help it can get. Luckily a young woman called Ace seems to know what’s happening but can she be trusted? And who exactly is Dr. McCrimmon? Buffy xOver

With thanks to my beta, idontlikegravy .

Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five

Interlude: Rome

Buffy dreamed…

…Of a vast desert. About her level sand stretched out in all directions. There was no wind. Not even the merest hint of breeze dared caress her face. All was quiet. All was still. She was alone in the arid heat. Buffy blinked. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. On the horizon loomed the jagged peeks of a great mountain range. Black clouds hung over all the land, blotting out the sun seemingly threatening rain. Yet the air remained utterly dry, devoid of even the most minute amount of moisture.

A flash of lightning illuminated the dark sky, yet still no rain would come. In the momentary burst of light, Buffy had perceived that she was no longer alone. A few steps up ahead a figure crouched gazing at the distant mountains.

“Is this a dream?” Buffy asked. The figure turned. Buffy recognized her instantly adorned in war paint and rags. Still the figure did not speak. She just stared silently. Slowly, she stirred herself and began to circle Buffy, never turning her back upon the mountains like a wounded predator keeping an eye on its enemy.

“No…dream,” the First Slayer said. Her voice was hoarse and rasping, unused to word or speech. “I…am the strength and the speed. I am the hunt of tooth and the claw. Where I bite I hold until death. I live in the blood cry, the penetrating wound, the…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Buffy interrupted. “I know all that. If all you’ve got are old reruns, I’d rather watch Gilligan’s Island.”

“They…return,” the First Slayer said. “Trees die…Desert cold…bones to dust.”

“Returned? Who’s returned?” Buffy asked.

“No name. No fight. No time. Only power.”

“I never run,” Buffy said. The First Slayer straightened and met her gaze with a nod.

“Storm coming,” the First Slayer said. From the foot of the mountains erupted a massive explosion. The very earth trembled. Buffy barely kept her balance. She watched the mushroom rise almost majestically into the air. Almost immediately the shockwave burst forth in all directs. The force of the wind threatened to tear her apart. Debris and sand flew through the air. Buffy fell to the ground helplessly, her lungs bursting with sand and then the world went white…

…Buffy woke.
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