May 20, 2003 00:23
Let's see what's happened since my last entry:
- A close friend of mine admitted to me she was gay
- I had a conflict with a fellow co-worker (whom I've never so much as said "hi" to)
- I ran into an old "friend" I'd hadn't seen or thought of in 2 years.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm at the breaking point.
I'm being petty and I know it, but I don't care. I'll start from square one.
See, there's this girl at work, Bo S. This all started over something as silly as sitting in my desk.
I came to work and noticed a newbie made herself comfortable in my chair. I let it slide initially, but made it a point to let her know she was in my desk and didn't need to be there tomorrow.
It seems Bo had a crush on the guy that sits next to me, which is why she ignored my request and continued to sit in my desk. Next thing I know, she complains to my supervisor saying I'm harrassing her.
That's some pussy shit if ever I heard any.
She persisted to spread rumors around the office that I was jealous of her and that I was stalking her. We're both adults, or at least I am. She couldn't tell me to my face?. The girl's got, at least, 60 pounds and 12 inches on me. What kind of threat do I pose to her?.
She won't come within 20 feet of me.
When her and her crush had a fight, I got my desk back. She was sitting in the chair next to it, hoping he had forgiven her for whatever they squabbled about. I saw the grimace on her face as I sat down. Sunday never started so well.
It turns out she complained again during lunch time, which caused me to be ousted from me seat. She won that round. I had to hit her as hard as I could.
By an odd chance of events, I found out I knew her ex-boyfriend.
Her ex-boyfriend she was still hung up on.
This was too perfect. As much as I love exacting revenge, I couldn't believe a situation this perfect fell into my lap. I've made it a point to make him come pick me up for lunch, everyday, for the past week.
Today I walked right by her, still sitting in my desk, with a huge grin on my face. She saw her ex walking behind me. I loved it. I loved every second of it. I have no interest in the boy, poor soul, but he's an integral part in my plot to destroy her.
Remember love, you brought this upon yourself.
I've found her kryptonite, now she's mine.
You never show your enemy your weak spot, you fool. This isn't about boys and jealousy, it's about principle. I tried being nice, as hard as that is for me. I just wanted my seat back. It has my nudie pictures and my mugs... it's my desk. Now I have to be dirty. Old habits die hard.
Bo, you'll regret being a snitch. Mark my words.
That aside, when one of my friends (whom I'll dub "G.") told me she was gay I was floored. I didn't see that coming from a mile away, and I can usually sense these things. There's been so much sexual tension (at least on her end) that she had to get it out. At first it made me extrem3ly uncomfortable.
I kind of felt betrayed. She's been wanting to get in my pants since day one, which is why we became such good friends. When I told her I don't play for that team (don't get me wrong, I've experimented, but ultimately decided it wasn't for me), she asked if we could still be cool. I was undecided. Now that I knew what I did, could I ever look at her the same way?. I told her yes, but didn't really think about it.
"Well, since this won't be more than friendship, can I give you some things I wrote?"
"Ummm.. yeah, sure"
She'd written a series of love letters. They were beautiful. What made me sad is that if they were from a guy I would've swooned. Knowing they were from a girl, one I knew personally perhaps, made the notes take a different tone.
I'm not homophobic. To each their own. I was a little guarded at first, but we were able to restore our friendship. This situation made me question how open minded I was, but that's always the case isn't it?
It's all fine and dandy until it happens to you.
I'm off tomorrow.
More drama and ranting later.
Goodnight, all.