Title: Impelling Force
Characters/Pairing: Moriarty/Holmes (A Game Of Shadows) (yes, again)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: spoilers? (I guess, if you're waiting for basic cable...)
Word Count: ~4000
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Not for profit.
Summary: Filling
my own prompt for: When he goes to meet Moriarty in his university office, Holmes plans out and
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Comments 15
Basically every time I watch that scene I want them to pounce each other and have wild sex. Thank you for this, you wonderful person.
I feel like I owe you a few manips for all the awesome fic.
P.S. Is there a better way to use Holmes' train of thought thingie than smut? I can't think of any. :P
Seriously, their chemistry in that scene is phenomenal. Starting with Moriarty stumbling all over his "excuse me" because he can't take his eyes off Holmes. Like, Damn! I need a piece or ten of that shapely arse before I utterly destroy it... Oh, right! Student here!
You manip. what you like. If this makes you do more Moriarty/Holmes, I definitely won't complain. =D
Um... well non-kinky people might say "fighting," but they'd be wrong. =P
This was like a fresh battery for my muse :D
This thing was hot. Holy god. The minute detail was my favorite. It was so wonderful, I actually felt crushed it suddenly ended and they went back to normal you're-my-enemy-must-destroy-you mode :( This begs a relationship.
Now all I can think about, is every time they meet, no matter what happened or is happening, they just think "Fuck it. Let's grind." Cuz it was hot and they know it cuz they're smart boys and sex is good for you and it releaves tension and and...
Well let's face it. It's a great way to start a conversation with body language XD
And I love writing their relationship. It's not love and never will be, but it's as strong & binding, somehow... if significantly darker. And there's also that tinge of wistfulness. You know, if circumstances had been different...
But then again, I'm thinking of writing something with circumstances starting out different, but it still doesn't work out...
Anywho, about the suggestion that they jump each other's bones whenever they meet... Think of how seriously fucking creepy it would be if Moriarty and Holmes had consensual sex before Moriarty starts torturing him with a meat hook.
That's so fucked up, I should probably write it sometime. In Moriarty's POV. Like some rematch of this encounter where he's not gonna let Holmes get the upper hand and he's also thinking intermittently about the torture.
I'd read it. >:3 Hell, I made up a story like that in my head after I saw the movie. So. Yeah. I dig it. I think we should go there *evil smile*
o_o... What the hell is wrong with me? *rests forehead against my pink wall* I need to go to church...
I plan on posting this on the kinkmeme, in that I'd love to see something cute on "The Fisherman and The Trout" along the lines of Frog and Toad. Wouldn't that be cute? I think it would be cute. Moriarty in a fishing hat and waders, and Holmes in a giant floppy fish costume where the fish head is a kind of hoodie that he never seems to keep on his head cuz he keeps stealing Moriarty's hat x3
And they. You know. Do stuff. Adventures and things. OH! And Watson and Moran show up dressed as chess pieces!
That would be epic to me <3
I see you posted the prompt (Psst, was the "bare with me" deliberate?). Meme's been as dead as I've ever seen it, though, so I don't know what will happen.
I just love the struggle for control here and how it bounces back and forth. Keep up the great work ♥
The struggle for control was fun to write, too!
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