Dec 26, 2008 22:56
Christmas was nice.
We spent the Eve at Joel's family's house and yesterday (Xmas Day) at my parents house and stayed the night...
I gave them my computer and got everything running top notch on it (with Joel's help) since their computer sucked.
I was real disappointed at my dad's incredible lack of gratefulness. I put everything on it he wanted and
it was a billion times better than their computer. Granted it was a christmas present from them a few years back,
but I didn't HAVE to give it back to them... i could definitely have used it.
My dad and I ended up in a bit of an argument before we left because I hid the restore/reboot disks on him.
He doesn't do so well with technology. Any time something is opening slowly on his computer he wants to reboot it.
It would piss me off if he did that with this one since it was PERFECT... and had all the basic programs put on it he could need.
Ugh. I felt bad for arguing with him and really pissing him off, but he doesn't fucking know what he's doing.
I would have been mega pissed off had he instantly effed it up because he was too dumb to know how to work something.
Simplicity is a computers enemy I think. I felt bad all the way home, I'm mostly over it at this point. Not totally, obviously.
On another note, Joel's family is great... they got me a ton of new paints and brushes... supportive. woot!
I had painted a picture of my brothers kids for him for Christmas which he was incredibly excited about,
I have to admit it was pretty kick ass. I didn't take any pictures of it because I wanted it to be a one of one.
I should have though, good for portfolio.
We also went to visit my neice's house. She's like 2 and a half years younger than me.
I still think of her as a baby. Her younger sister too. Unfortunately... neither of them are. Makes me feel old.
They both smoke. They have serious relationships. One is now pregnant... she's excited though. Which was good to see.
And moving away yet again. I might see her more because she'll be closer now.
I gave them $50 (aside from gifts) because they're behind on some bills and I love them more than anything.
My grandparents also gave me way more money than they could afford to because they were proud of me.
I'm the first one in the family to graduate from college. ha.
It was kind of an eye-opening and uncomfortable visit with my family.
I love them, but I feel better when I farther away. It requires little explanation. Weird memories, mostly.
So.... I will miss my mommy a lot, but I can't wait to move.
Although when they're in Saginaw they never tell me or stop by. I'm not sure what I did.
Ugh. I'm rambling. Mostly I just want to remember all of these things later in life. Livejournal is good for that.
I will end now.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and New Years as well.