Chevys Replies

Jan 02, 2009 12:29

I received a phone call from Chevy's today.

General apology.

Bottle issue was addressed per store manager.  Something that didn't happen and slipped by but is supposed to NOT usually happen.  He walked through store procedure on that and the procedure was decent but the follow through didn't happen that day.  He didn't really address why his crew didn't deal with it when it was pointed out though.  That's the part that left me least impressed with how it was handled.  (the bottle, not his reply.  His reply left me with the impression that it was clearly addressed and dealt with).

Salsa issue (didn't taste good like past salsas) has to do with type and ripeness of tomatoes available during the season.  December/January tends to be the worst time for Salsa at chevys  March/April tends to be when it becomes super awesome again.

Cold Fajita... you know, i really didn't get a response on that one.

and the big one...

Allergy:  Store manager stated that there was indeed no lime in the dish.   He walked through how foods are stored and said he walked back to look at possibly cross contamination.  Stated that he didn't see anything.  I doubt it would be accidental contamination as small amounts won't effect her.   The manager stated that he was looking into the ranch dressing as it's the only thing outside of Chevy's control.

So after talking with Jessica called manager back.  Chicken is marinated in orange juice.   So... there's our bad there.   Jessica is allergic to citrus, not just lime (but it excludes lemon).   We didn't mention citrus because lime is the generally the only issue with mexican foods.  Doh.  Okay, so not Chevy's fault on that one.  Would be nice if their menu mentioned marinara's though.  Some items did, but not the one Jessica ordered.

So, I appreciate the follow up.   The salsa sucked, but out of their control.  The bottles sucked, but they addressed that with their crew, the fajita sucked but... didn't get a response and I don't really care because, the allergies weren't chevy's fault but the food is an obvious death trap for Jessica and thus there will be no more eating there for me in the future.   Besides, baja fresh is also delicious and it's cheaper and Jessica knows the foods she can and can not have there.

2009q1, 2009

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