Nov 11, 2008 10:48
I was driving into work today listening to the radio. Of course the economy occupies all things and they were discussing bailing out the auto industry, bailing out the banks, bailing out those who had taken out mortgages.
That's a lot of bailing out on my dime.
I have two thoughts on this subject.
1.) Let those who planned poorly fail and the world be cleansed of the idiots.
2.) Damn it, we can't do that because the economic hit that we'd take would be so devastating that in action on this isn't an option and that's what I was preaching in January BEFORE this all went spiraling.
Please... just a little bit of pain? Please???
Because the economy is so interconnected and it'd effect everyone, we instead enable. Bad businesses need to NOT be in business, and american automotive SUCKS! I'm irked that we bailed out the airlines because there WERE companies making money. some of those airlines went bankrupt/under ANYWAY.
If you look around at companies, there are people in charge that, frankly, don't have the skill set to be in charge. They SUCK, and yet here we are enabling.
Failure to act means that the once healthy businesses will go under, but I'm frustrated as hell that the government is giving handouts to kids that do not deserve it. I'm frustrated as hell that our taxes will need to go up, or we'll need to cut services, which have already become rather sparse over the past 8-16 years.
On the plus side, the pot roast was pretty good. I've never done it in a crock pot before, and I liked it.
The rents will be in Seattle this tanksgiving (sounds like) so I'll be cooking perogies for myself and Jessica this weekend. I need to look up some better dough recipes. I'm sure they're out there.