Political rant against Palin and also McCain's economic policy

Sep 19, 2008 10:19


See story under cut in case THEY cut it.

McCain says Fed should get out of bailout business

By Jeff Mason 2 hours, 5 minutes ago

GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain admonished the Federal Reserve on Friday to get out of the business of bailouts and get back to managing money supply and protecting the purchasing power of the dollar.


"The Federal Reserve should get back to its core business of responsibly managing our money supply and inflation," the Arizona senator told a group of business leaders in Wisconsin, an electoral battleground state.

"It needs to get out of the business of bailouts."

McCain, who laid out some of his ideas for solving the financial crisis on Wall Street, said his reforms would increase transparency among financial institutions.

"I will propose and sign into law reforms to prevent financial firms from concealing their bad practices," he said.

In a swipe at the Bush administration, McCain said the Treasury Department under his watch would follow consistent policies for guaranteeing loans.

"In cases where failing companies seek taxpayer bailouts, the Treasury Department will follow consistent policies in deciding whether to guarantee loans," he said.

"With billions of dollars in public money at stake, it will not do to keep making it up as we go along."

McCain did not identify what criteria should be used for determining which companies would be eligible for government support and which ones would not.

The Republican presidential candidate also took a swipe at Democratic rival Barack Obama for his ties to executives at mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which the government has taken over.

(Reporting by Jeff Mason, editing by Philip Barbara)

While I agree that the US government has been FAR too eager to bail out companies and that a consistent course of action would be helpful to some extent, there still needs to be room for improvisation.  What's going on now, the government NEEDS to bail out the financial institution because if they don't, EVERYTHING is going to crash.  There are so many people/businesses teetering on the brink already, it's not going to take much more than a breath to start the domino effect of... wait, it's already happening.

Intervention is required.  I was all for the airports that couldn't do business smartly going out of business.  That would have sucked but it would have made the field healthy.  Government should not have stepped in for that.  The government should have stepped in WAY back when the housing market started crashing.  Wait, that was this year, wasn't it?  That crash was the first domino and yet the government AND McCain opted to do nothing.  Now the problem gets worse and hundreds of billions more expensive to fix.  of course, if they fail to step in again... the next step will be a complete catastrophe.

I'm constantly amazed that trickle down economics is still popular.  It took 12 years to get rid of Regan and Bush, when the economy went in the toilet then, and it's taken less than 8 this time around, but I'd say that 9/11 helped speed that up otherwise we'd be 12 years and feeling it.

People are still "don't regulate the economy, let the market decide, government should stay out" instead of recognizing that some market control is a good thing and that regulation/enforcement is GOOD!!!

I really don't fucking get republicans.

Take Palin.  You can NOT tell me she's experienced and ready.  She doesn't know shit about about the global economy in a global world.  She's indicated behavior that she's vindictive and may not technically do anything wrong but will fire people that don't get the "hint" of what she wants.  this lady is terrifying.   She's "hinted" that she wants books banned.  She "hinted" that she wanted an ex brother in law fired.  When the people with the power to make that happen didn't agree, she fired them.  She gave other reasons, but that's twice where things have been "hinted" and people were fired.  I smell smoke people.

She lacks constitutional law knowledge or experience
She lacks federal knowledge and experience
She's a fucking heartbeat away from BEING the president as she's backing up the oldest first term president in history.
She accepted the nomination when she's not qualified and that SERIOUSLY terrifies me because that speaks to a hunger for power.
She lacks foreign experience.  She not only lacks it but is currently completely UNAWARE of who leaders are and the political atmosphere of various countries.
She strongly supports, along with McCain, the economic policy that has helped us be placed in the economic situation this country is in.
She's pro-war and STRONGLY religious and wants the US to be in a Holy War.

Her exact quote, NOT out of context as per FOX news:


“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

(Also... if you'd like a view on Palin's church, religious beliefs, leanings, and influence, check out this fine link:


She's not declaring for a Holy War, but she's praying that this war is Holy.  Read the teachings of Jesus, and tell me whether he would think ANY war is holy.  Where does god come into play on a war?  How is she different than a muslim praying that the course to war he's following is in line with Jihad?

My issue is that there's a fundemental absence of recognition of the very evilness that is war.  Some wars need to be fought.  Evil people in this world do exist and sometimes the bullies or others need to be faced down, but you CANT leave out the recognition that war is evil and NEVER Holy.  No matter how just the cause, you're still striking down your brothers and sisters and the children of God.  You are destroying life and scarring people mentally.

So Palin never stated she thought the war was a HOly war.  No, she simply HOPES it is.   Is that really any better?  This girl scares me more than Bush and yet she likes guns and so pro-hunters love her.  She's anti-abortion and so conservatives love her... and yet, those things do not qualify this woman to lead the country.

McCain talks abouta  transparent government, and yet this lady, before she even got to the gate circumvents, the freedom of information act by routing emails to her personal email account.

I've talked to republicans and they think she's a godsend.   They say this because she is in alignment with their principals and somehow democrats are pure evil.

You  can't even debate in this society anymore because the foundation of truth has been so completely corrupted that many conversations start OFF with an inability to agree.

Science has been disparaged and ignored despite the fact it deals with proofs and facts.  Words are turned around.  Instead of being pro-choice, pro-choice people are labeled pro-abortion.

People don't go around saying "let's throw a party and have a fucking abortion!!!!"   They go around, like me, saying "this is a complex issue and I can not dictate to another woman about her body and concious and I do not have the wisdom of god as to where/when to state "this is when life begins and this is when it's intelligent.".

I believe every woman who makes the decision should make that call.

Men lead the anti-choice group.  The people leading these groups are also the ones most willing to go out and kill, or send their children out to kill other human beings.  Oh irony... i love how you fuck the world up the ass so sweetly.

/end rant

2008q3, 2008, politics, 2008politics

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