Friday started off with a roof top party. yes Melissa... i did have an orgasm.
One of the people that I play soccer with was heading out to LA (that is NOT an upgrade over SLC!!!) and the group decided it was a good excuse for a party... on a roof top. Seriously awesome. It was a BBQ and thus there was meat. Lots of meat. More meat in one day than I eat in a week. I'm generally not a big meat eater unless there be a BBQ.
So... here are some photos. It's from my crappy camera phone as my real camera has been sitting at home collecting dust. I need to fix that. Mostly I need to bring it into work.
Saturday was a nice lazy day. Went to REI to change out the tires on my bike. Something I didn't know about these non-mountain bikes.
1.) Tires SUCK!!! Mine popped after 30 something miles. Replaced tires with "gator skin" tires which are supposed to be almost bullet proof. I biked 19.5 miles sunday and they didn't pop, so that's good.
2.) The tires need to be filled with air EVERY TIME you go out because it's under such high pressure that it constantly leaks.
3.) My GOD those seats are painful.
Jessica climbed the rock wall while I took care of my bike and then checked out some pants. I love REI's style. Seriously.
I also drooled over other items, but these season tickets are SERIOUSLY cramping my style. Luckily Jessica is AWESOME and has been purchasing the foods for me to cook.
I know other things took place on saturday but I honestly can't remember what. Sleep was involved. Apparently i was tired.
Sunday I finally made it to work. I've been frustrated by trail closures, popped tires, and something else, but this time I made it. I will bike to work mondays, wednesdays and fridays! When the seat kills my thighs less I'll bike more.
Played softball and was depressingly stomped. Always fun playing against a team with hot girls though.