Summary of weekend... it was pretty short... for me.

Jun 17, 2008 13:57

Flew to portland and tossed pirates off of barrels.   The secret is to toss them 10' in the air and then slam them into the ground.   Most pirates seemed to have the brains to get off the barrels before I tossed them that high.

Also used a dagger to stab lawyers in the neck with neckties.  I got the lawyer dead in the throat and won lesbian porn.  I think it must be the ugliest grouping of women I have ever seen.  I will be popping corn and watching this because it looks like it would be so bad that it couldn't but help being amusing.

I had been planning on posting MANY MANY pictures.   I was thwarted.   I'm not going to go into detail on this but I'll simply say that I'm bringing my own damn camera next time!!! :p

Melissa attempted to steal one of my bracers.   I took her down and took it back.  Taking a bracer of a strong struggling woman is actually a bit difficult.   this also meant it was impossible for her to take it BACK off of me.  HA!!!


(notice the shaking with the left hand... you know that alliance can only end in slaughter... mmm delicious dead ninjas.  A ninja could never be a pirate anyway.   You'd know him by his lack of stench.)

I did not grab strange boobies this time out and that's okay.   hmmm I didn't even grab Melissa's boobies... what's up with that?   She DID grab jessica's boobies, but who can blame her.  I did too.   I also think that the debauchery of plunderathon may have been one of those items that make it more fun.  Being as I'm not a singleton anymore, it's just not the same thrill to knock the wench unconscious and ravish her body when I already have a most excellent body to ravish.  I suppose I could have sent Jessica out to do the bludgeoning and ravishing, but I rather liked having her in eyesight so that I could stare at her short skirt and fishnet legs.

Watched snatch, and that name always makes me giggle.  SEriously, that should have been the name of my porno.

I'm NOT taking summer classes so that I can enjoy some time off.

I AM buying the bike.

I WILL be taking a week off in July and most likely going to vegas.

life is cool, but i REALLY need to make it up to the mountains next year.  that's one of the reasons I fucking moved to Utah in the first place!!!

Will be spending the next two weeks working on apartment to install shelving and purchase needed furniture for the Jessica moving in.

Also... the rumors were true.   The abi DOES still exist.  I was both shocked and surprised.

2008, 2008q2

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