Sep 03, 2006 10:54
Good morning! It's now about 11:00. Lately I've been in the middle of swim team try outs. Today's practice started bright and early at 6:30 am. The team divided into boys and girls first. The boys swam about 2000 yards to warm up and the girls started off with dryland. When we were finished, we switched spots and the boys headed downstairs for dryland while the girls came upstairs to warm up. Dryland was super hard... we did all kinds of push-up, lunge, and squatish kinda things. Dryland was finished and we headed upstairs for another 1.5 hours of swimming. The total practice was 2.5 hours long. Afterward, I went with mom and Gigi to Kayak's for chocolate chip waffles and coffee. Had a Teddy Bear. *squee* Now I'm back in le dorm, getting ready to do some studying. yay. See you laterr!