
Jan 26, 2006 11:50

OK so I guess I haven't had a "real" update in a while, so hereagoes. Lately I've been immersed in school work. My classes are tough this semester and require a lot of studying. The classes I'm taking, for those of you that haven't heard yet, are: Engineering Physics II, Differential Equations, Material Science, and Biology II. I love how these classes take what I've known (and what most people reading this know) and turn it all upside down. All the things they tell you in classes in high school turn out to be *not exactly* true. For example, the law of conservation of matter... denounced by Einstein's E=mc^2, the notion that atoms are mostly empty space, with a nucleus in the center and a low-density cloud of electrons surrounding it - denounced by demonstration of a baseball bat, and the concept of the wavelike nature of matter, as opposed to the particle theory that seems the obvious explanation, that we all have a particular wavelength, amplitude, frequency, etc. and that this can be determined by, again, the theory of relativity and other applicable formulas. This all stems from the dominance of electrostatic interactions over gravitational interactions between the particles that hold us together. Everything we see, hear, touch, etc. is all derived from our interpretation of the fields of electromagnetic radiation that surround us. Waves. Waves. Fields. Fields. Vectors. Frame of reference. Reality.
What else has been going on? I have been pushing forward in swimming, trying to break to a new level everyday. It's hard to keep up a high level of performance day after day, because you get tired and sometimes the 8, 12, or even 24 hours between your next time in the pool isn't enough to fully recover. My only focus in the 100 breaststroke right now. My goal is a best time in a race. I have either two or three more chances to do it before the season is over. rah rah rah.
Jill's been on my brain a lot too. It's nice, something to look forward to at the end of the day, even if I don't get to see her. We had fun last night. I think we eat more ice cream than any other couple in history. There's this one couple that is so hilarious. Disgusting, but hilarious. They sit in the BSC every Thursday morning and they're both huge. They have White Castle together, sitting on the same couch, with giant 'buckets' of orange drink and a Crave Case. I guess they eat all 30 in one sitting. The girl actually feeds the guy white castles. ugh. Maybe one day I'll walk by and she'll be feeding him a carrot or celery and I'll be the one to have a heart attack and die.
My new makeshift clogs are working out nicely, but I need to put some arch supports in them. I took the cushions out because the shoe was too shallow and they made me step on the heel when I would walk, but now the middles of my feet hurt. Someone didn't want me to have these shoes. ARGH.
I just dropped like over $400 for things I need at school. I had to pay $200 for housing deposit for next year and I finally broke down and paid another $2xx for a premium parking pass so I can park right outside Marguerite all the time. No more walking from Olive/Compton or Reinert or anything else.
Lastly, there is a realllly really good show coming to Mississippi Nights this Saturday. Girls in Diners, Nothing Still, and Mailman Bites Dog. Should be awesome. Yah. Sunday I'm supposed to try out for a band. Who knows if it will happen or if I get in... That guy is hard to get in contact with cause he refuses to call me on the phone. Whatever. That's in for now. See you laterrrr.
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