story just could not be left without comment.
According to a report released Friday by the Martin County Sheriff's Office, the 13-year-old boy "continually disrupted his classroom environment" by intentionally breaking wind. He then shut off some computers other students were using.
The kicker is they arrested him for this. Arrested?!?! Uhm, whatever happened to being sent to the principals office and being suspended? Now that we have cops in school we arrest the kids?
I'm sorry. For lack of a better word, this is the most asinine way of doing things. No wonder our schools are doing so bad. I'll concede that there might be more to this. I am guessing he might have been a habitual problem; but still...arrested??
I would have to wonder how long my rap sheet would be if I, or others I know, got arrested for farting in school and shutting off others computers. It would have been even more if it was at the office since those seems to be pranks #1 and #2 where I use to work. I guess I do have a criminal mind!