"Fuck you you fuckin' fuck"

Mar 28, 2009 15:00

Title comes from Luke's nice hat which obviously made my heart melt. :DD

Ok there's a cooking show in TV now that shows some funny food that looks just like a big penis. I have actually seen a program about those in Finland, but they make me laught out loud everytime.

Soo I should be studying and so on but since I'm home alone (ok well my hostsister Moon is in da house too, but she's just playing games all the time so I never talk with her), I can as well use this computer. Even though I said to my hostmama that I just check my email quickly.. thank god I don't have like own laptop or anything, I'd be so doomed.

I'd like to upload some photos too, but I don't want to do that kind of stuff without asking first. Ok I have actually once already took this computer to check some mails without permission, but it was opened and in the table so that was basically a sign for me to just go the check them.

Today I've been just idling at home, Sohyun went to some shoe thing with my hostmama and papa is at work. He goes to Osaka every friday to do his radio show and then he just.. I dunno, does work in these days too. He's pretty damn busy guy, which kinda sucks because he makes me laugh everytime I talk with him. At the first week I had no idea when he goes and comes, so one day I waited in the kitchen till like 2 o'clock at night, because I felt like I can't go to sleep without having my daily laught. Well that was pretty useless and gay and now I really can't bother to care because I see him like for 3 hours a week. My another hostsister Aisha is in Korea atm, I thought she'd be away only for a day or two but whatever, I just hope she'll be back before I move.

Yesterday I went to sleep kinda early because I felt like crap, but I woke up like at 3 at night and just sat in my bed. I was so pissed of, I tried to study but I was too sleepy for that, but I couldn't sleep either. :DD I was like fuck but I fell asleep. I think I woke up at 7 am and studied and then I was like ok I could rest a little but I fell asleep again. Ok now I feel like an ass, writing about my sleeping habits when I'm in goddamn Japan.

I think I could go to Shibuya or Harajuku to do some shopping since my Suica goes old after like 2 days or so. I'm kinda pissed off about that because that card has like the best places in it and the Suica-penguin is cute. I have actually fell in love with Shinjuku but that's more like a have fun with friends kind of place.

Today I also realized that my Finnish phone's memory card can be used in the Japanese phone and I was thanking all possible gods in heaven and hell, but I dunno something's bitching with me because I can't see any files even tho it says they are there. My hosts are asking me all the time if I'm ok with that I can't use my Finnish phone and I'm being an ass and saying yeah it's ok even though I'd so like to use it.

Ohhh I almost forgot, yesterday we saw the weirdest guy ever. He was in the place where the dog statue is, taking photos of himself and flirting with himself or the dog, I can't decide which is worse. Well then there came two guards or something and they asked the freak something. Then they started to look in his bag and they found a FUCKING TOY SWORD. :DDDD My organs pretty much cracked up for laughing, and he even showed the guards how he uses it, so he just swinged it. The sword even had some blinking lights.

Soo at the beginning of next month I'm moving closer to Yokohama. I really want to go to the ferris wheel and just check out some places in Yokohama. I need to go for some more places too, I still haven't visited Akihabara for example!

And these last few days I've talked pretty much with Sohyun. She's really nice and I wanna hang out with her even after I move away. She's staying in house till the summer. We talk pretty much about the other YESI guys, I mean not like oh god she's such a whore, but just talking. I feel honoured for having her to tell me some stuff what the Koreans are thinking or doing, like getting inside the group idk. :D Ok actually she just talks badly about Nuri because everyone of them hates her, but I'm not really friends with Nuri so I don't care. She also tells me like shitloads of secrets so I started to tell her too. In Finland I never ever told anyone any secrets, expect gossip stuff because well.. that stuff is supposed to go around. :DD She said she really wanted to go to Finland to party, and then she asked me if I wanted to go to Korea. I was like uhh sure, well maybe I will someday I dunno.

About homesickness, I haven't really felt that at all. A few days ago I was really excited about going back, not that I'd hate Japan, but just see everyone again and so on, but at the moment going back is the last thing I'd want.

Now I've wasted too much time on the computer so bye byeeh. :D
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