My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulrasspudin goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Hamburger Patties.
blackiechan Gives in to you rugged good looks! You get something sticky.
concord511 Admits defeat at your awesome intellect! You smack him across the mouth.
darkasylum Tries to seduce you! You escape with 3 nuclear missles and a lollipop.
dr_shabazmo You find dr_shabazmo passed out in the doorway. You get his pants.
giganticus Tricks you! You beat him into submission with the peice of wood he gave you and steal his pants as well.
screendoor3 Dies of shame at not being able to work a CD player on his radio show. You steal all his Hanson CDs.
sultanitm Joins you on your quest for candy.rasspudin ends up with something sticky, a smack across the mouth, 3 nuclear missles and a lollipop, dr_shabazmo's pants, giganticus' pants, a complete set of Hanson CDs to burn in effigy, and a heterosexual lifemate.Another fun meme brought to you by