Mod Announcement

Feb 20, 2009 13:05

We've got some slight changes coming to the community, but don't panic.

1) We've decided to do away with bi-weekly challenges all together. Instead we plan on rotating organizations every week so, our new schedule will run as follows:

- Week 1 (WWE past and present)
- Week 2 (TNA past and present)
- Week 3 (ROH/Indys past and present)
- Week 4 (Anything goes so long as it pertains to wrestling in some way)

For clarification and for purposes of the community, the timeframe will begin on Sunday and end on Saturday. And this won't start until next month :)

2) The ABC challenge will return starting on March 1st for those of you who are interested.

3) Should we bring back a bi-weekly challenge and/or a special challenge it will be based on something that is cross-graphics program friendly. For example we might provide a set of bases and it would then be up to you to make something of them. Or we could do song lyrics. But, as I said, we may or may not do this, or we may make it strictly a claim thing like the ABC challenge.

Having said all of that, we would like to thank everyone for their continued participation.

Happy iconing!

!mod announcement

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