SUMMARY: The first undersea search, Part 2. Raphaela joins in.
CHARACTERS: Raphaela, Merrisol, and Maggie
Raphaela is all dressed up and looking oddly fashionable in horrible diving outfit that would make most miserable. She chose a silvery grey one. if there is any choice that is. She is currently perched on the railing, combing her hair with her fingers, fightng the breeze to braid the hair. She doesn't plan to pop down into waters until someone resurfaces. Not gonna drown waiting for a kiss to show up.
The first dive reveals nothing under the boat or the immediate environs. At least nothing they want to talk about with anyone waiting above. Merrisol does reappear about twenty-five minutes after they both sank down, gives his head a sharp toss backwards to flip sodden hair from his eyes back where it belongs. Ohno, where's Maggie, does this mean it worked or did he use the time to hide the drowned evidence? With a decent amount of clearance from the water-slapping hull, he looks up and spots all the silver and platinum, and waves for her attention.
Raphaela looks down and rises to her feet, balancing on the rail with disturbing ease, for a nerd. Nerd had lots of adventures. She looks down on him "Maggie survived? No heartattack after the kiss?"
Merrisol treads and bobs. "Not that kind of a kiss," he shouts, with a slower shake of the head and a rapscallion grin. He's seen Raphaela's balance on rails before, although from this angle it's very King of the World! (or Queen of the Weird?) In fact.. maybe he'd better get out of the way. He sidestrokes a few feet, calls, "Wait up, Raph," and arcs back into a flip dive that sends him below again, where he makes sure there won't be any unexpected collisions with Maggie if she does dive. He pops back up. "You're clear!"
Raphaela grins impishly, bounches...for a moment she pauses in air...and...then wraps her arms around her knees and does a very graceless BOOOOOOOOOOOOMB! SPLASH! MWAHAHHAHHA!
Merrisol squints when she folds up into a cannonball. What kind of starter is that.. then as the sea gains a raph-sized hole and leaps up double the displaced water in a lovely temporary fountain... takes a bucket of water in the face. "Brat," he glubs, and plunges down after her in a sharp jacknife dive. Just to make sure the woman is resurfacing as opposed to loitering rather trustingly below.
Raphaela actually...nearly drowns laughing. Not a good start, trying to drink up the sea. GIGGLE GLUGLUGLU PTOOIII.
He breaks the surface again shortly after. Witnesses at the rails are chuckling down at them. Dayum, Baroness knows how to have fun! Does Merri? "As you were!" he calls, but it's got too much grumble in it to be very threatening. He comes up beside the sputtering nooble to offer her a hand up, able to keep her at least shoulders above the peaking waves to spit saltwater.
Raphaela manages to survive a chuckling fit, looking up with a grin and then at Merri "HOnestly...You should have seen it coming." she grins impishly.
Merri points out, "And I most certainly did." It's true, he watched it from start to finish. He grows serious again. "I need to check on Maggie.. are you ready, Raphaela? You know I would never let the Sea take you, right?"
Raphaela shrugs "I trusted you moment I met you, for some weird reason, this is not good time to start with the doubt, eh?"
He barely pauses over weirdness, too caught up on the intense focus of the moment. He's a magic-fearing dude about to perform magic - it's a Big Deal. "Then once we're down you can let the air go. Just let it go. The Sea will give you what you need when I ask." His hand alters grip to hers, now weaving fingers together with touching palms. He suddenly loses buoyancy and sinks below the water, and down she goes with him.
Far below the surface of the water, far below the underbelly of the Wave Dancer, Maggie is half floating, half sculling. Her hair has escaped its ponytail and floats in a cloud of auburn and flame above and about her. The small currents down in the briny deep waft her this way and that, ebbing through her hair and touching skurling patterns to the sea floor beneath her. She is looking up, caught up in the sun-dappled surface, the enormous splash of Raphaela's entry into the water but a tiny sparkle from this vantage point. Mermaid-like, she angles from the waist upward and swims to meet the decending pair.
Raphaela rolls her eyes "I was kissed by Rebmans before, I know the drill." she seems to say as she sinks.
The momentary cloud of escaping air to the surface obscures vision, but then the hazy-clear majesty of Minos Undersea is before them. Rollicking terrain made of kelp, sea grass, rock outcrop, and schooling spots of colourful glitter, it's easy to get lost although there is always one reassuring direction to go: Up. Merri observes the precious supply of air leaving in a trail of bubbles from Raphaela's lips, and abruptly closes in, face to face. With his other hand, he touches her chin and jaw line faintly, both to get her full attention if it's elsewhere and to create an ideal angle, and after meeting her gaze, he draws closer still and presses his mouth full on hers. Water floods her mouth and down her throat into her lungs in a stream.. and it's okay. Was it already okay, ever since the hand-holding and promise above the surface? A veteran Selkie would say uh-huh of course. But this is Merri's deal. It has to make sense and he has to believe it does. A mere second or so later, he draws back and releases her hand. "All right? Let's go." He looks around, spying Maggie approaching, and moves to regroup.
Raphaela is a bit dazed, but probably not because of magic. She blinks it away and follows, with only a second of delay. Life in diplomacy teaches you to regroup your senses quickly.
As she rises, Maggie is focused on the pair above. As she is a ways down she can see when the expected kiss happens but is too far to note reactions. Perhaps it is just as well for it takes her a moment to be able to school her own expression to stillness and then to a welcoming smile for them both. Her issues are hers and she will deal with them in her own way. Waving enthusiastically, she finally meets them. Can they talk under water? "Hi!" Does it act the way it does in Rebma? Does the enchantment carry through to words or does it come out as "Blub!" ?
There might be a blubbing quality to Maggie's speech underwater, for this is not the enchanted water of Rebma, where physics considerations make it deceptively simple to project sound waves. The shape of the word blossoms and wobbles here, but it can still be deciphered. "Heyyy." Merrisol's Rebman physiological differences make it possible to create sound without forcing it past his lips. It sounds a little disembodied, but fuller in the water. He meets her halfway, noting the loss of ponytail tie, and smiling at the billowing red haze as it frames her face. He studies her face, and the bright smile, and seems at a loss for words for a moment or two. Then he says, "I've been trying to figure out which way the ship was facing when you pointed from the foredeck. It was roughly in the direction of the gateway at the time, but the Dancer also rotated a few times before the storm blew over and the fog came. With these clear skies, it's my direction sense that is foggy."