Ω Twenty One - Santa and Spam

Dec 05, 2010 20:55

Dear Santa,

Perhaps explaining the nature of the Barge and your motivations, properly, to those among us, particularly how the Barge functions with regards to engineering, would serve to enamour us to you better than forcing us (I assume I'm not the only one to endure this ridiculous impulse) to write these missives to you under the pseudonym of 'Santa', but I suppose I digress, Admiral.

If you insist on a list of things I would like for myself and those I might be inclined to give presents to on this... 'festive occasion', well here they are.

Victor, I would like to give him a small personal forcefield*, for use under his warden's supervision.

Adric, a puzzle*.

Narvin, I would like for him to have a ceremonial dagger*.

For the Doctor, ranging from youngest to oldest (I suppose I'd better think of something for each), jelly beans (particularly orange ones), a compass always facing the wrong way, 'Impossible Questions' by Lauri Fish and a Cadbury's selection box for the eldest.

Claire, a Xexocian Memory Butterfly necklace.

*Schematics attached.

[OOC: Narvin's dagger is one that he remembers his personal guard having, complete with his first Gallifreyan initial intertwined with his own.]

[Omega walked out of his room, miffed that it had been invaded. He ended up in the common room, where the urge to decorate hit him. Sighing, he at least chose his poison in the form of building a crib. The bare strappings of the stable were completed before he started to work on Mary and Joseph.]

Ω is in the spirit, Ω doesn't know who the Other is, Ω likes his reputation, Ω is not evil

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