Nov 15, 2010 18:19
[Omega is on deck, the brightest place, and looking presentable. See what you've done, Rayne? Omega's a politician.]
Ladies, gentlemen and other sentients. Earlier today, the barge began to slow down. You may have noticed the lights flickering. Eventually, the barge stopped and the lights went. That's right. The barge came to a gradual stop that you hardly noticed. The Admiral didn't suddenly keel over, there was no sabotage, it purposefully stopped.
This had the secondary effect of powering down the vessel. All rooms were returned to their default design, and all equipment were shut down. This created a situation, serious, of course, that means that food and medical supplies are to be rationed and our wardens have proved able to accomplish this with efficiency. Well done.
This situation, given its purposeful nature, can similarly be reversed when the Admiral is prepared to continue. The shortfalls are temporary, no more.
I urge you all to remain calm. Contact your other in pairing and decide what each of you deem to be appropriate to your individual situations. Those who are without a pair, please report to the deck, or if you have survivor experience, either to the kitchen or infirmary.
Thank you all for your patience.
[Timelord Filter]
I realise this doesn't require saying but I expect all of us to go on a minor fast until this is straightened out.
Ω doesn't like politics,
your universe sucks,
Ω likes his reputation,
Ω is not evil