Ω Thirty Five - Taking Responsibility

Jan 28, 2011 15:09

[Private to Rassilon]

[Omega's sitting back on an office, chair, the collar of his shirt unbuttoned, a drink in his hand. He's not looking at the camera, though he glances up at it before he speaks.] We shall have to decide what dialect we are speaking because I was unaware 'making friends with Narvin' was the same as 'make him your lackey'. You've ( Read more... )

time lords make long speeches, Ω is great at apologies, Ω likes his reputation, Ω is not evil, Ω lives a hard knock life, Ω doesn't like politics, rassilon is my bf - ok?, the admiral, narvin is cia's finest... right?, the Doctor makes Ω feel guilty

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[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 17:32:38 UTC
[Rassilon is sitting at his desk, hands resting on it, their tenseness and the dark look in his eyes clearly betraying how upset he is, despite his attempts to appear calm. He stubbornly stares into the camera.]

You accuse me wrongly my friend. I had made no plans until he came to me - I would not even have known of the device had he not told me. And he already had his own plans then; my only involvement in this... affair was to make it an official mission. I must also add that I had given no orders on what to do once the device was obtained - I specifically told him we would talk about it then. [Of course, he may say that now, but it's clear what his intention were.]

But perhaps we still need to decide that, since I remember telling you that I had no desire to make friends. I am actually quite sure we discussed the matter not too long ago, so I am surprised you have already forgotten.

[He takes a deep breath.] And it was not an escape attempt. It was an attempt to make absolutely sure that our people would survive.

[One can clearly see that his control is cracking. It takes all he has not to add that Omega had said he would come, were the Final Sanction to happen.]


[Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 17:43:50 UTC
[Omega's response? To fling that glass as hard as he can, smashing it on the far wall. He glares into the camera.] No! I'm not going to let you hide behind technicalities!

You don't get to treat Narvin as a mere pawn when I've told you, time and again, that he is my friend! And I take care of my friends! And you knew that and you still used him!

You knew he was petrified of you and you used that! Maybe Narvin did consider taking Ms Persson's machine but idle consideration is not the same as acting it out!

I won't allow you to do that to him again.


[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 18:02:27 UTC
[Rassilon winces. This doesn't seem to be going well.] It was not simply an idle consideration. He came to me making a detailed report and suggesting this himself. There wasn't much I needed to do but nod.

And oh, you take care of your friends! I - I have to take care of a whole people and I intend to do just that. I will not abandon them, Omega, not even for you.

And I have no intention to work with the Coordinator again. [Unless some opportunity shows itself, but he doesn't need to tell Omega that.]


[Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 18:15:50 UTC
Because he was afraid of you!

And that means I have no right to try?

No, you won't abandon them... [you'll simply lead them like lemmings off a cliff! But he keeps himself from saying that.] That is why I haven't asked you to. Do you have any idea how tempting it is to simply knock you out and jump off the barge with you? I don't care if we end up in the universe where we exist as puppets, I want to be with you!

But I can't. Because you wouldn't want that. You wouldn't be satisfied. I exercise restraint and all I ask of you is the same.

You can go back at the exact instant you leave, so don't even talk to me feeling that you're abandoning anything because you're not!


[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 18:30:59 UTC
He had started to plan before I had even arrived! Is that still my fault? Is it?

Restraint. Restraint! My people [children] are dying and you ask me for restraint! I...! [He breathes heavily, trying to calm down, even just a little.] Do you think I don't want to be with you? I told you... how -- important you are to me. You know it. But I have to save them.

And what use would that be? Being on this ship at least ensures my continued existence. And as long as I am alive, I can try. Foolishly dying, that would be abandoning them.


[Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 18:52:35 UTC
It's your fault for not talking him out of it!

[He gives a bitter smile as Rassilon takes his breath. His voice is cool.] Ah, I see, they're not my people at all, are they? They're just yours. After all, I've tried to kill them!

You don't back to places simply to die immediately. Do you think I'd be so stupid as to not consider your death?

Your way failed. [It's about time Omega said it.] Your way brought the Doctor to lock you in a time lock because he didn't think the universe should be blown up! Your way doomed our people and here I am, giving you all the options in the world, including, shock of all horrors, a way where the universe might actually survive! But I might as well be talking to the wall because you're sure as hell not listening!


[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 18:58:52 UTC
My fault? So I am supposed to talk him out of helping to save our people? He isn't my friend.

They are. But you don't care like I do. I know what you thought about them. The Doctors memories are saved in the Matrix as well and I lived in it for quite some time, don't forget.

Oh? So you have an idea? Tell me then. I might be inclined to listen.

[His hand clenches the moment Omega says he's failed.] I doomed them. I. It was. The only. Way! I did what I had to do. And what guarantee do I - we - have that your plan will work? What if it fails?


[Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 19:17:26 UTC
No, he's mine.

So why am I doing this for? The thrill? I'm doing it for Narvin, I'm doing it for Hedin, I'm doing it for Romanadvoratrelundar, I'm doing it for Damon, for Braxiatel, for you, even for the fucking Doctor for fuck's sake! They are my people. I don't like them, I might even loathe the odd one, but they're mine.

Well, might is not sufficient for me any more.

The Admiral makes deals, and he doesn't back out of them. Adric, others, who've graduated inmates, they could have told you how their deals have been granted. You'll have to take my word because I doubt they'll want to talk to you after this.


[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 19:30:48 UTC
...Why is 'might' not sufficient anymore? [Ominous vagueness does not bode well.]

And you still don't understand, Omega. You may do this for them, but you still don't care for them like I do. You said it yourself, you have to restrain yourself from simply taking me away, into some universe where we don't need to worry about this... And you're right, I would not be content. Quite the difference, don't you think?

...Deals? And you believe he could grant something on this scale?


[Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 19:39:18 UTC
Because I've told you plans, you don't listen, so why should you start now?

The difference being that I can see the individuals and you cannot.

Yes. He's taken you and the Master out of a time lock. He travels across universes and changes the time lines to such an extent that people who are were dead are now alive, without drawbacks. Adric himself is one such example. He puts barriers on the abilities of powerful entities.


[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 19:48:46 UTC
I have no alternative now.

What difference would that make?

So he could bring the Time Lords back? Gallifrey, even? [He's leaning forward now.]


Re: [Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 19:58:05 UTC
I'm not... Not now. I have to make sure Narvin gets through this.

I won't lose perspective. I'll value the opinions of those who can help us and they'll give me their best, not because they fear me, or feel duty bound, because they know they matter. I look at the small things so you can look at the larger picture. It was how we worked.



[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 20:05:55 UTC
[He frowns, just for a second. Not being first on Omega's list of priorities is not something he likes.]

Was it? And Omega, the most important difference is that you don't like them. [Why does he have to repeat that? He wanted to just ignore ever hearing that part.] It's quite the opposite for me.

...I see. [Said in his quiet 'I shall start scheming now' voice.]


Re: [Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 20:07:52 UTC
By which you imply you care for Narvin.

Going to graduate, become a warden?


[Private] shortsghtedlove January 28 2011, 20:16:59 UTC
[Dry] As you said, you look at the small things so I can look at the larger picture.

Somehow I doubt it will be so easy. [And then, eyes narrowed] You are a Warden. [As well as Narvin. And that small Doctor who seemed like he could be persuaded to join his cause... And why not? No one would get hurt, after all. Hm...]


Re: [Private] rass_bestie January 28 2011, 20:24:56 UTC
I wonder how much you truly care then, if you can't bring yourself to care about one Time Lord. A Time Lord who has done his utmost to preserve Gallifrey all his lives. No wonder that the Doctor believes your obsession to be a mere act of pride.

Well, if it's not easy, we shouldn't bother, should we? I noticed. I earned the title.


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