...First day...

Aug 19, 2003 13:09

wow, whatta day..LET ME TELL YOU! :-p
haha okay, i was supposed to get up at 5:30..but i went back to bed till 6:30..and my bus came at 7, so i only had a half hour to get ready! it was so bad! :-( haha but i got all dolled up and stuff, and got on the bus and Tavia was freakin out..she was like I NEED A HUG..i was like woah what!? haha, then i didn't know where my bio class was so i asked Jason, and he told me:-D haha *love you jason! :-p* and i went to class then i followed Andi to algebra..that was fun. :-p then i went to key formatting..and i saw Joshy and he's taking drivers ed 8-) then I met everyone in the class, b/c i was being the social little butterfly that i am :-) then i went to Geography and i tripped and ALMOST fell..but i didnt 8-) and Jason saw me again and hit me in the head. I could beat the crap outta him! :-p haha then i spanish..nothin special there.tehn i went to that assembly, BORING..hah athen i went to english, and me and Bryan got lost! hahaha! it was the funniest! i love that kid!
then when i was waiting for my bus to come..and i was walking with jason or whatever and he called me a retard..then i got on the bus..like he knew what i was doing but didn't tell me...and i was got on the bus and i was like WRONG BUS..haha then he goes "see told you, you were retarded" then he tried to steal my spanish stuff..and i bit him..teaches him to mess with me! haha actually he like pushed me and i almost fell!..haha but he loves me! :-) haha! that was my day, and i'm just getting ready to go shopping! :-D WHOOHOO! haha!

Today rocked tho! :-D

later on!

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