weather (and my cat)

Nov 23, 2009 22:39

I'm typing in the subject for this entry and happen to glance over at my darling cat, Suki. Suki is giving me the stink-eye. And not just in that I am a cat so I glare at things from time to time way, but the full blown one eye squint glare. She's gotten tired of staring me down and has decided to gorge herself on her $30 cat food. $30 is apparently the only acceptable amount of money to spend on her; she spits the cheap kind all over my bed when she thinks I'm not looking. Charming.

Its now officially freezing outside. 27 degrees in my car this morning. I had to scrape off an inch of ice from my windows, which probably doesn't help keep my car warm. I wouldn't be suprised if it was colder inside with the windows up. I'm really not a fan of snow, and it seems like we get more every year. I'm definitely not looking forward to shoveling out my mailbox just to get the newspaper. Oh Utah, how I loathe thee.
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