Right. Typing up that stupid report for Tseng. Boring, stupid, somewhat distracted report. Things were Not Right On the Island of Fandom. Rikku was worried, and her worry made Reno... uneasy. And Radio had been... off. So Reno's report was far more detached than usual.
Somewhere around halfway through, he heard the
announcement. So his report was going to have to get cut short.
No new findings regarding power source/holy gem things/cure for the stigma. Might not be able to further pursue for short while. People been not showing up where expected, strong people as well as civilians. Possibly cause for-- Just got announcement angel statues are involved with abductions/time travel shit. will finish report late.
It was amazing that Reno had remembered to hit 'send' before he picked up his laptop and lobbed it angrily across the room. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Reporting about the freaking disappearances on radio last night, and no wonder the rodents had wanted him to sit down.
How many of those names he was reading were names of people who had vanished, and he didn't even know it? It wasn't like he didn't have experience with mysterious disappearances. Hell, most of the ones people mentioned back home, he had been partly responsible for. Came with the job. Should have known it when he saw it, and no shit, it hadn't sat right, and there he was, complaining about this crap on the air, and trying to brush it off, not his probl--
His laptop threw off a couple sparks from where it sat on the floor across the room.
He sighed, pulled out his phone, and sent a text to Rude. Will be needing new Laptop.
He was going to have to find Rikku.
[Door is closed. Am heading for work shortly, but the post is open if you don't mind insane freaking slowplay that will not be replied to until later tonight.]