... Aw, shit. It had been so long since Reno had spent time in his office. He'd gotten kinda familiar with it, what, back when the parents were on the island, way back? But he'd gone and told the Rookie's Rookie that he'd be here today, in case she wanted to talk. And anyhow, there was always shit to do
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"Is this a good time? I can come back later."
Or stand. Whichever you preferred, Chloe.
"Thank you, Reno, I appreciate you being here to talk to."
"It's my job," he noted, idly. And if he was referring to his job as a teacher, a Turk, or just the guy who looked after the Rookies, the world might never know. "What's up, Chloe?"
Mainly because she was a little bit worried about what anyone was going to think about her when she did. Which didn't explain why she was risking telling everything to Reno, now did it?
"Well, I'm all ears, if you feel alright tellin' the full story to me, yo."
There was no promising that after he heard it, he wouldn't catch a portal to the mainland and shove his baton up someone's ass. But that was totally a normal, well-adjusted response to things like this, right?
"See, these people run this place where they like to play games with people's lives and they messed with mine long before I was born. There's something that runs in my family. We see ghosts. It drove my uncle insane and he killed himself long before I was born. These people contacted my mother because they knew that she wanted a baby but was afraid to subject me to insanity." Yes, she knew all of this probably sounded insane anyway. "They told her they could help with that... that they knew what gene to turn off when I was conceived to prevent that from ever happening." Her eye twitched. "They lied. Oh, they were correct about the gene, but they didn't approach her to help her. They wanted to experiment with her genes and see what would happen. So when she was pregnant they did these experiments on her to mess with me."
Really, this didn't sound like anyone he knew of at all.
Like, say, his co-teacher. Or either of his co-teacher's BFFs, Angeal or Sephiroth.
"What happened to her?"
And now, Reno was biting the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood. Well, fuck. It stank of ShinRa, up and down.
"That friend of yours, is she from that place, too?"
He kind of figured it would be helpful, knowing if they were both on the run, or if it was just Chloe. And if it was two of them, then he'd have twice the reason to find someone to beat to death with a baton, wouldn't he?
"But here'll only do you any good until you gotta leave again," he noted, almost casually. Almost. "You know what you're gonna do then?"
There was another Rookie he was going to have to talk to, some more.
"I... ain't very good at that meditation stuff," he noted, his tone a little slow, like he was carefully picking out all of his words. "But I can tell you you're safe, here, yo. I know for a fact, I ain't the only one who'd stick my neck out for you if they ever figured out where you were, yo."
"Andrew is the only adult that any of us thought we could trust, until I came here, so that's why Tori threatened you immediately. Tori is a witch, Simon is a sorcerer and Derek is a werewolf. So, they've kind of been in a 'Chloe needs to be protected most' thing since we all became friends. I don't have their powers and I'm just trying to learn to fight. I know that it would have been dumb, but she really would have tried to set you on fire or something if she didn't know that I already trusted you and felt safe here." She pulled at a strand of her hair. "I know that, and it's why Tori and I agreed that I needed to tell you everything. Because if something happened if I were to visit Tori and the others and I was supposed to be back here and never showed..." She swallowed because the idea was a possibility. "We agreed that someone besides Ino needed to know ( ... )
"I only got a few requests, if this knowledge is what you're handin' to me," he said, thoughtfully. "First, whenever you're gonna go visit these friends of yours, I want to know when you're expectin' to come back. If you don't got a cellphone, I'll get you one. That way, if you ever step in it, you can call. I'm faster'n I look, yo."
At least, when Portalocity was being cooperative.
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