OOC: Note to Terrain and Doomsday Students!

Aug 12, 2010 09:58

So.  About That Final...

As any student of Ghanima Atreides knows, she is not big on having her students take written tests. Ever. She is much more inclined to give a practical exam. For the students taking class with Reno, it is very unfortunate that he spent two years studying with Lady Ghanima, because he's picked up some of her good habits.

You're going on a trip!  But don't worry, you'll be back in time for your third period final.

On Monday morning bright and early, students from both classes are going to be meeting at the Causeway in the first period of the day. There they'll hop a portal to a post-apocalyptic Earth at least a millennium from now, where mankind has determined the nature of the suffering of their planet, and have now begun to move forward, to put things back together for themselves without damaging their now healing world.

About where they are going: Some of you might be familiar with Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, set 1,000 years after the "Seven Days of Fire", an event which destroyed human civilization and most of the Earth's original ecosystem. Scattered human settlements survive, isolated from one another by the Toxic Jungle, a forest of giant plants and fungi swarming with giant insects, which seem to come together only to wage war. Everything in the Toxic Jungle including the air is lethally toxic.

However, the jungle is only toxic due to the toxic soil that covers the surface of the earth, even in mostly-untainted Valley of the Wind.  Our visit would take place post-movie-canon, when Princess Nausicaa has discovered that the plants in the jungle actually purify the polluted topsoil, producing clean water and sand which remains hidden in the underground world.  Students are only gone for two hours Fandom Time, but spend five hours working on taking an abandoned settlement in the Toxic Jungle and making it into a self-sustainable community/science outpost.  Working with Princess Nausicaa and a team of NPCs, they need to create a well to bring fresh water to the surface, without contaminating the source, for drinking and hydroponics.  They will be repairing roofs, installing small wind-power rigs, and using sustainable materials such as Ohmu shells to make greenhouses and other buildings.

Things you need to know:

1) The air IS still toxic in the jungle, unless you're in the underground caverns.  Gas masks will be provided, and even Ghanima will be wearing one, despite her Bene Gesserit ability to neutralize poisons in her system.  VERY VERY TOXIC.  SERIOUSLY.

2) Giant insects are common.  Don't poke at them, they won't bite you.  If you see some hanging around and really really really want to pet one, don't even try it unless Nausicaa tells you it is OK.  They still are not fond of humans that they do not know.

3) Students will be away from the island for the duration of the first and second periods on Monday morning, but because of the mysterious and wonderful nature of the multiverse, five hours will have passed in the Toxic Jungle before their return to the island. Plenty of time for a group of able-bodied students to help the locals build their well and re-claim a small corner of the world that they call home.

4) The post will be going up in the fh_trips comm on Monday. Don't sweat it if you don't have the comm friended, we'll be linking to it over in our beloved fandomhigh comm, as well.

Questions? Comments? Pie?

what: holy shit they let reno teach, what: practical finals rock okay, ooc

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