Tseng's Office, Edge, Wednesday Evening

May 05, 2010 19:57

Okay. Reno could do this. Reno had made a decision, and he was a big boy, here. He was totally capable of telling the Boss that he was going to set forth to do one thing that was actually good for him for the first time in damn near a year, now.

Damn near? It had been a year, hadn't it? Shit, how time flew.

Really, this would be easy. This was a matter of lifting his hand, like so, and rapping his knuckles against the door, like so, and then waiting.

And hoping to Ramuh that Tseng wasn't actually in his office, so that he could just resort to leaving him a note along the lines of 'Going 2 Fandom, BRB Maybe' instead.

Reno thought that the 'maybe' would have been a nice touch.

[For the aforementioned NPC employer, who will be played by findingelena today because she is awesome. NFB and NFI and all of that good stuff, otherwise.]

what: being a hero sucks ass, what: i take it back high school is awes, places: edge, people: tseng

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