Aug 14, 2009 10:22
"Yo, boss. Shirt didn't fit right this morning, so I had to undo a few more buttons'n usual, zoto."
Why yes, Reno had decided to come in to work today, in spite of the fact that he could have been in bed, enjoying the fact that he was the hottest lesbian on Gaia for the day. Some opportunities, after all, were not to be missed.
He leaned over Tseng's desk, grinning. A lot. If he leaned any more deeply, he'd fall out.
"Got any jobs for me, boss?"
Reno derived some sort of personal victory out of the fact that it took Tseng a full ten seconds to come up with a reply. A reply which was something of an uncomfortable grunt as the Director slid a few dossiers toward the redhead. Waking up with breasts was no excuse for not getting the job done, after all.
Reno was just fine with that. A negotiation mission, trying to get some hungry locals with guns and materia who were holed up around one of the WRO food banks to surrender?
Today was the day Reno of the Turks would finally get to test to see exactly how far flashing a nice pair of boobs could get him in this world.
[NFB for distance, as usual. Mostly establishy, as I'll be heading out in four hours for the weekend to a land of no phone, no lights, no motorcar, not a single luxury. But open for phone calls if you reallyreally want to and you happen to be around.]
what: i take it back high school is awes,
places: edge,
what: fandom crack zomg,
people: tseng,
people: elena