Okay. So it had been a kinda
cool dance, no pun intended, in spite of all the ice. But it was tradition to follow up dances with quality time with Rikku in his dorm room, and so, Reno did.
Because he wasn't going to be the guy to mess with tradition, okay?
And after tradition came snuggling. Of course, this was also tradition.
What was new was the ferret. It hadn't been involved in the tradition, but now that they were done being all traditional, Reno and Rikku had decided to give it some quality time, too. Mostly it involved pointing and laughing.
The ferret totally had one of Reno's socks. Socks were awesome! They were good for chewing on and honking at and hiding and smuggling away into nests!
"No, really," Reno said, watching the ninja-weasel-goose with an air of amusement, "the quarter decided it. His name is Dumbass until I can come up with somethin' better."
Well, at least Dumbass seemed to like the name.
[For Rikku, who was modded with permission!]