Just got back from seeing the midnight showing of Toy Story 3. Decent movie - I enjoyed it as a whole for a movie... but as the ending to a series I grew up with? No. I did not like the ending.
Rest is behind cut for spoilers, lots of spoilers.
Ugh... I've been kinda ranting about it since we left the theater, so trying to figure out where to start. It was a good movie, and stayed true to the Toy Story archetypes of the previous movies. I was hopeful for this film because it REALLY hits close to home. I pretty much grew up alongside Andy and it wasn't but a few years back I moved away from home and had to say goodbye to a big chunk of my childhood.
The adventure the toys went on wasn't lacking at all - very entertaining and as big as ever. I think where they lost me was when the toys end up in the landfill. I found myself pretty much saying WTF? over and over - it was just getting to be too much for me at that point. I understand the message that was trying to be shown in that scene ("we're all in this together forever!") BUT I felt that could have been portrayed without ever having to send them to the landfill and spared the movie 20 extra minutes.
Now here is what really grinds my gears. After ALLLLLLL of that shit they went through they FINALLY get back to Andy.... only to be donated again!!!! I'm sorry, but what the fuck was with that?! To some degree I can see WHY they did it. One, it was unexpected, two it shows that Andy has grown up and the toys can go on to make another kid happy and three he got to play with them one last time... BLAH BLAH FUCKITY BLAH. No. Just NO. Why did they have to go change the ENTIRE point of the past two movies?! These are ANDY'S TOYS. Wasn't Woody a hand-me-down anyway? Why not keep him in the family?! Now some random girl has them and they will have to face all this crap again!
I dunno... I cried a bunch and it made me want to run home and pull out my old toys WHICH I STILL HAVE. I guess for me it just wasn't what I wanted to happen. I seriously hate when they do this kinda thing to movies/tv shows. They take the characters we've grown to love, and learn, and care about and just totally mess shit up. Take the TV show Friends for example - For 10 seasons we watched them live together and then in the LAST EPISODE they all move away from each other... WTF?! Why does "closure" always mean changing everything? I guess I'm just a "and they lived happily ever after." kinda girl.
Okay - so I can't really harp on it unless I share with you guys how I personally would have liked it to have ended. Toys make it home. Woody crawls into "college" box and other toys go into "attic" box. Mom comes in with Andy and says her teary goodbye (like she actually did) then Andy grabs the college box WITH WOODY INSIDE and walks out. They show him drive off. Then mom comes back up to his room and sees the attic box still sitting there. She opens it and sees all his toys. With a smile she pulls them out and set them up on the shelf in the room. Next scene is a series of flash forwards. The room gets a paint change, maybe turns into an office, but the toys remain. Then it is Christmas some odd years later and Andy is over with wife and kid. He walks up to the room and remembers his toys are all still there. He introduces them to his own kid, much like the real ending (getting to play with them again ect ect) then we see Andy Jr open a gift with Woody inside, he is being handed down once again! The toys are all reunited with not themselves but Andy and Andy jr too! Then they could have still done the montage of them finding love once again in a child.
I guess my two cents... I didn't hate the movie, but the ending depressed me. I felt like when Andy left I was casted off along with the toys. ALSO - R.I.P. Bo-peep!