Nov 26, 2006 22:08
we got our christmas tree on saturday, at target. we comparison shopped at target, wegmans, and wal mart. i have realized that wal mart is a really dark and depressing place, no matter which one i go to. it's always full of pissed-off employees and rather desperate looking customers, always trying to snatch the last of this or that thing off the shelves. you can safely assume that i didn't get the tree at wal mart. it was cheaper than both places, though... just not my cup of tea. wegmans had awesome trees, but they were pricey... target had a great display too. i personally wanted to get the projector thing they had at target, where you project various holiday things on your house. it was *fun*! either way, i liked the target tree mostly because it has 2 colors of plastic pine-needle thing, so it looks a more "real." and it's a bit fuller, too.
we got the target one, a 2 piece fake tree (my first fake tree ever!) that's 4.5 feet tall. it's pre-lit with colored bulbs, and i adore it... it's what jeff calls a charlie brown tree, though i think it's a bit fuller and nicer than that. & yes, we are the sort of people who like colored bulbs. we are just not that classy. i rather enjoy all-white too, but really, my christmas tree as a kid was always covered in colored bulbs and it's what i enjoy seeing. we got a garland of silver and white and blue glass beads at target when we bought it, and i gave jeff his penguin ornaments from borders a month early. the garland only went around halfway, so today we stopped at target and got another, as well as a star for the top of the tree. the star is tacky but we both like it. i also found a pack of wooden penguin ornaments there, which i'll give him *on* christmas day.
we went to valley view farms, in hunt valley, and were completely dumbstruck by the amount of decorations. i thought target had theme trees, but NO. this place had about 50+ themed trees, everything from golf to dogs to the beach to ELVIS to sports to babies to the baltimore ravens. it was nuts. also there was a ... steinbach? nutcracker signing thing, and we went unaware that it was going on. i saw a darth vader nutcracker for about 300$. that made my day complete. we found some neat lights but they'd sold out, so we will go back next week.
when i find my nikon coolpix i'll post a few photos of our tree. right now i'm tearing apart the place wondering where everything went... gah.
i think you never know how much you love someone until you buy your first big holiday thing with them... and can agree on it without killing the other person. it's an awesome thing.
right now jeff is calling my nintendog, porter, a little shit. so i think i'd better go. hehe.