
Dec 03, 2007 18:37

So I finally watched Shabake with Chinese subs It was kinda trippy. And got really cheesy. But visually it was nice. And Tegoshi was cute.

After all,anything for Tegoshi. :D

I know it's not English subbed yet but if you don't know but want to know what was going on,

So basically, it starts off with Ichitaro being out at night - he's not supposed to but he is out for a mysterious reason dadum - he gets accompanied by a female spirit thing that's protecting him - and then walking around, and witnessing a murder.

And then the murder gets possessed by something and comes after him, except his ayakashi (demon) buddies save him. There's a white one, a firey one, and both of them serve Ichitaro's family.

Ichitaro is this weak kid who all sickly; he basically wanders around weakly all the time. He's the successor of the family, though. He can talk with the ayakashi, and he has little gremlin-ish creatures around all the time. Idek.

His best friend is Takaki's character and they like to sit by the river eating mochi or something and smiling at each other all sickly sweet, and they'd do anything for each other.

...don't think too hard about that.

Okay and Ichitaro's family apparently has this really expensive "cure all!" medecine that's really well renowned and almost god-like and stuff. Then the murder from last night comes and gets all possessed again (he always says: this is the scent, give me the medecineee) and he tries to kill Ichitaro ;__; but the gremlins and then his other underling save him. But it's too much for him, and he passes out.

Then they go into the past, where Ichitaro was always this sickly kid and the ayakashi duo say they'll serve by him blah blah, but don't tell anyone that they're ayakashi. Yeah this sequence had no use really but the kid is so cute.

And then they have ayakashi meetings where they talk about the murders and what could be happening. They don't know what's going on, coz the murders never realize afterwards what they did. Ichitaro, of course, oversees the meeting.

But he takes a break and goes to the festival! Tegoshi is so cute here gskdjfs. But his spirits go down when his dad tries to set him up with some girl or something. Not that it matters, because soon some other guy gets possessed and murders someone else.

Then they keep thinking, and one day Ichitaro sneaks away. When he returns, he explains that he was sneaking away because he knows about his BROTHER. DADUM. Turns out his dad had an illegitimate son before he was born, but his mom wouldn't accept the son. He says that he wants his brother to be the successor, but his mother storms out and his father resignedly tells him to give it up.

And here, while taking a bath, he was having a touching meaningful conversation with one of his ayakashi buds about trust and friendship and loss, none of which I registered because I was just cheering "OH YEAH TEGOSHI BABY YOUR COLLARBONES ARE SEXY PLZ STAND UP" inside my head the whole time.

I'm a perv, I know.

Then the ayakashi have another meeting, in which the murderer that's been killing people is revealed: it's, apparently, the spirit of this wooden thing. Is it a cup? A decoration? I dunno. Either way, it has a slash in it so it can't continue on or something, so it's pissed and possessing people.

A guy at the site of the last murder picks up the wooden thing at the same time. Ooh foreshadowing~

Meanwhile, Ichitaro figures out that the evil wooden thingy (yeah I'm calling it that) is after him and the "scent" they were talking about is him, because every time a person was attacked that person was holding something that Ichitaro had touched.
Also, there's something really attractive about Tegoshi going "My scent... it wants me..."

What do you know, Takaki's character aka Ichitaro's bff is attacked next. Ichitaro proceeds to emo.

But before anyone can do anything, this - leery old spirit man thing I forget his name pops out of the family temple and says he's going to take Ichitaro to the city of the spirits. Ichitaro is, understandably, bewildered.

Then, more plot twist! Turns out Ichitaro's grandma is an ayakashi. She's gone though even if she is ayakashi, because his mom kinda sacrificed her in order to have Ichitaro. Oh and his underlings used to serve his grandmother. I didn't pay much attention here but that's the gist of it.

Then they're about to leave, but the evil wooden thingy struck again and is burning down a part of the city. Ichitaro realizes it's his BROTHER'S SHOP OH NO and goes to save his bro - except his bro is now possessed and tries to kill Ichitaro in a ring of CG-ed flame. But Tegoshi has a weapon and can magically fight back!

I'm sure this is the climax but I was too busy laughing.

"Don't you remember when you were happy?" Ichitaro pleads, and wooden thingy does - when it was nice and shiny and polished and loved.


Ichitaro hugs his brother/evil wooden thing, the evil wooden thing shines and - I dunno, passes on or something. Ichitaro and his bro go home, where his mother and father accept them both, and they have a nice happily ever after.

And that's Shabake!

Also cute little things dancing at the end - and whose name is the first to pass in the credits? Congrats Tego~~

Okay I'm really tired now hahaha.

tego is god, dramas for life, i love therefore i picspam

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