1) Day of the Dead Cardigan -
http://www.pinupgirlclothing.com/retrocardigan.html2) Rhinestone Monogram C T-Shirt -
http://pinupgirlclothing.com/rhmocapsltee.html3) Bettie Page Tattoo T-Shirt -
http://pinupgirlclothing.com/bettieteeshirt.html4) Yet Another Cherry Shirt to add to my collection -
http://pinupgirlclothing.com/cherrytop1.html5) I WANT THIS SO BADLY! -
http://pinupgirlclothing.com/silversparrow.html6) Cheaper Sparrow Necklace... -
http://pinupgirlclothing.com/vintagesparrow.htmlThere was some other stuff I've wanted for ages from that site, but I think they're out of stock. :(
The Wishlist -
http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/ref=cs_top_nav_wl/102-4292878-5492155?type=wishlist I think my grandparents are buying me "The Jungle" and "The Octopus", since my grandfather recommended them to me. I need "Manos" so badly... I know realistically I'm not really getting these things for my birthday, though.