Title: Frost
Fandom: X-Men
Characters/Pairings: Jean-Paul. Minor Jean-Paul/Bobby.
Rating: Completely G AHAHAHAAAA WHAT.
Genre: Introspection ... I guess?
Word Count: ~100
Notes: Spur of the moment thing. Uh. Yeeeah. So. ...Yeeeeah.
The frost does not remind Jean-Paul of Robert.
There are many things that do, but the frost does not. The mind is strange like that.
Frost reminds him of skiing, of a brilliant speed that has nothing to do with his mutant power. Frost reminds him of the Olympics. Frost reminds him of the simple and not-so-simple joys of life.
Joys that sometimes, between being a multi-million dollar man and a superhero, Jean-Paul forgets.
But frost brings that back.
Just like Bobby does.