Title: The Haircut Fic Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters/Pairings: Yanagi, Sanada, and a dash of Yukimura Genre: Gen, humor Word Count: 1040 Notes: Chat-inspired. :D
di: http://img229.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/7/4/5/6/kyogokutakamasa2-img295x600-1169658818princeoftennis-poster07.jpg sanada di: why are you STEALING RENJI'S HAIR. maxie: lkshfksdf HAHAHAHAHA ras: They get their haircuts together, obviously. maxie: it's such a popular style and all steph: Sanada is so handsome. maxie: at least he's dressed alright there ras: Ahahahaha, I just imagined, like, the first week of junior high for them. ras: Sanada: Your hair sucks, Yanagi. ras: Yanagi: So does yours. di: kdjfsl steph: Sanada wears a hat. maxie: *__* di: renji made him start wearing it, ibet ras: Hahaha steph: Sanada's hair used to be spikey and stylish. di: "they can only see MY hair, genichirou. hide yours." ras: This after their teacher mixed them up four times. maxie: will someone write that? ras: ...I will. maxie: Ras, I nominate you maxie: YAY ras: HAHAHA maxie: >D di: you should have akaya write it ras: ... *_____* maxie: alsjdhflkajdf ras: "This is a TRUE STORY. I know it is! Really!" di: slkjdlkjfd
di: why are you STEALING RENJI'S HAIR.
maxie: lkshfksdf HAHAHAHAHA
ras: They get their haircuts together, obviously.
maxie: it's such a popular style and all
steph: Sanada is so handsome.
maxie: at least he's dressed alright there
ras: Ahahahaha, I just imagined, like, the first week of junior high for them.
ras: Sanada: Your hair sucks, Yanagi.
ras: Yanagi: So does yours.
di: kdjfsl
steph: Sanada wears a hat.
maxie: *__*
di: renji made him start wearing it, ibet
ras: Hahaha
steph: Sanada's hair used to be spikey and stylish.
di: "they can only see MY hair, genichirou. hide yours."
ras: This after their teacher mixed them up four times.
maxie: will someone write that?
ras: ...I will.
maxie: Ras, I nominate you
maxie: YAY
maxie: >D
di: you should have akaya write it
ras: ... *_____*
maxie: alsjdhflkajdf
ras: "This is a TRUE STORY. I know it is! Really!"
di: slkjdlkjfd
That is so great.
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