Title: Just Dive
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters/Pairings: Kirihara, Marui
Genre: Gen
Notes: Artwork is from Random Blue. Not mine!
"Aaaah, so hot," Kirihara grumbles. "Can't believe we're stuck with this job."
Marui raises a critical brow.
"You'd rather be lifting boxes in some stuffy room?" he asks doubtfully. And then, without waiting for an answer: "Yeah, didn't think so."
Kirihara pouts cutely, then turns back to the pool, fingers loosening their grip around the broom.
"You wanna just jump? No one'll catch us..."
Marui smirks a little then, quick as lightning, drops the hose and pushes Akaya into the pool, broom and all.
He doesn't count on Akaya being able to snake out a hand and pull him in, too.