Title: butterflies Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters/Pairings: Kirihara, Yukimura Genre: Gen Notes: Because I had no idea that Yukimura and Kirihara were the two youngest on the team until
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OH!!! *_* I love it! I didn't realise they were the two youngest either! Adds more to the mystery... :> I adore them both, the way you write them is gorgeous! ♥
Or maybe he's crap and no one wants to tell Yukimura otherwise. ;D
Or maybe he knows everyone knows he's crap but one bat of his purdyfull eyelash he has everyone forget whatever it it they knew.
We're so mean to Seiichin when it's common knowledge that he PWNZ the entire Rikkai-dai tennis team and school awesome girly-manness of awesomeness *shameless Yukimura fangirl*
By the way *lol @ your icon* Yukimura been taking Sanada's crack steroids much?
Nope. Yukimura is beefy in manga. He has more mass than Tezuka (according to the stats, he's about 8lbs heavier but an inch or so shorter), which thrills me to no end.
He's da man.
Pwns Sanada to the ground, then grinds some more. >:D
Or maybe he's crap and no one wants to tell Yukimura otherwise. ;D
ROFL. I'd like to think this is the case because it would be the most hilarious thing EVER to finally see his tennis and its gimpy. ;)) and no one wants to tell him. But maybe its worse after his hospitalisation: Tez vs Yukimura - Gimpy Buchous FTW! ;))
I just had the thought of a Gimpy Buchou Club, made up of Tezuka, Yukimura, and Tachibana. They have secret meetings every Thursday evening at 7.30 sharp, and discuss their cults tennis clubs and the best pain medications. XDD
asfdlkjalskdjklasjd YES YES YES! Those are the members!!!! ROFL. OMGGGGGGG PLZ. I hope someone writes this one day. So many people think it. <.< It needs to be written. :> Maybe they bake cookies too. And Yukimura teases Tachibana sometimes by coming in his wheelchair with its *squeaksqueak*. LOL And they all laugh and give Tezuka sausage for holidays. And Yuki gets IV bags. And TAchibana gets grip tape and flowers. XDDDD
And Marui is the oldest.
I figure he's got more up his sleeve than Chitose and way cooler moves than the laser beam, fuurinkazan and scud serve put together.
Or maybe he's crap and no one wants to tell Yukimura otherwise. ;D
Or maybe he knows everyone knows he's crap but one bat of his purdyfull eyelash he has everyone forget whatever it it they knew.
We're so mean to Seiichin when it's common knowledge that he PWNZ the entire Rikkai-dai tennis team and school awesome girly-manness of awesomeness *shameless Yukimura fangirl*
By the way *lol @ your icon* Yukimura been taking Sanada's crack steroids much?
He's da man.
Pwns Sanada to the ground, then grinds some more. >:D
Or maybe he's crap and no one wants to tell Yukimura otherwise. ;D
ROFL. I'd like to think this is the case because it would be the most hilarious thing EVER to finally see his tennis and its gimpy. ;)) and no one wants to tell him. But maybe its worse after his hospitalisation: Tez vs Yukimura - Gimpy Buchous FTW! ;))
And Marui as the oldest makes me crack up, for some reason.
Is he? I thought Jiroh was? :o
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