Title: Anything But Love
Music: SOS: Anything But Love by Apocalyptica with vocals by Cristina Scabbia
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Formats: wmv; zipped or streamed
humansrsuperiorDescription: Spike and Buffy's dark...and beautiful story through Spike's eyes.
Special thanks to
rhoboat for gifting me with this beyond perfect
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Love the hands shot at 3:54. Also love the clip of her walking past him and him walking away while putting on his jacket.
I have a strange love for the clip you overlaid at 3:59. It has very pretty cropping and it looks good with the clip of Spike on the right. And then at 4:02 is a very pretty overlay of Buffy on the left with Spike watching her on the right. Love it!
4:10 is gorgeous with the overlay and the movement of the two of them laying in bed. And I love how you ended it with the two of them in the basement looking at each other, with the words coming up between them. It's perfect for those two.
I am sorry for not being so eloquent, but I hope you know that I love every bit of this video. I just can't express it with pretty words like some, which is some of the reason why it took me so long. It is hard to respond to your videos because they are so beautiful. I really hope that you'll consider submitting this video to some video awards sites. You deserve it. Give yourself credit.. you always do gorgeous work and this is no exception!
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