Title: Anything But Love
Music: SOS: Anything But Love by Apocalyptica with vocals by Cristina Scabbia
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Formats: wmv; zipped or streamed
humansrsuperiorDescription: Spike and Buffy's dark...and beautiful story through Spike's eyes.
Special thanks to
rhoboat for gifting me with this beyond perfect
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Part of the reason it takes me so long to respond to your videos is because they deserve so much love because they're so beautiful. I feel very much like I can't ever do it justice. It is extremely gorgeous and I do not have the skills to express the love the way it deserves. Seriously, this is way above me! First off, before I forget, your watermark font is gorgeous! Very pretty and flowing, like the vid.
Overall impressions: I always love your slow, blendy editing technique and used here it's just perfect. Beautiful overlays and blending. I also love how the pace quickens with the beat in certain places: :53, 1:02, 3:18, 3:38. So not only can you choose beautiful scenes to fit these lyrics, your pacing is right on throughout. This is really a gorgeous work of art and you should be WAY proud!
I'll mention some of my favorite bits:
The bluish hue at :23 is beautiful! Also love it overlayed onto itself. I also love the shirt flying open to 'just a possession' lyric. I love how it's slowed down and very fitting.
Love seeing Buffy push Spike to the ground and throw the money at him for 'you send me to a broken state'. The screen (is that a screen?) of him picking up the money is beautiful and this may be the best lyrical match of the video, IMO.
1:00 - 1:05 is beautiful, and I love how you quicken the pace with the beat of the music as well as use overlays.
I love how you interwove the clips at 1:16 to 1:23. Loved seeing the arms/hands and Spike sitting down with Buffy and taking her hands. It's one of my favorite sections of the video. Also I adore the overlay/screen of them kissing there in the middle directly afterward.
Love the graveyard scene at 1:33 with them on the opposite sides of the door. It's very pretty. What I really liked about it is your beat matching at 1:33 and 1:35.
Totally love the clip you use at 1:52. :)
I also adore the clip at 1:57 where she is walking away from him and he's turning his body to see. Is that right after she beats the crap out of him? It's just such a heart wrenching shot.
2:13 has been one of the best sequences that I have enjoyed since I have beta'd the vid. I just love how you have her ducking perfectly on beat, and then bring up a clip of her baring her neck to Spike as he's kissing her. All timed so well! Love all of the fighting just after that too. All of the kissing clips starting at 2:25 are pretty great too. And I have a strange love for him hitting the wall on the beat at 2:31.
I think you know how much love I have for 2:46, the triple use of the clip of her getting up. It looks awesome! Love Spike bloody at 2:51 too.
3:13 looks pretty awesome, with William on one side and Spike sitting on the other. Those clips really melded together beautifully. And then I just love the shot of his jacket at 3:15.
Starting at 3:18, I adore your quick beat matches - closeup of his face, Buffy coming in for a kiss, the bugs, face shots. Looks awesome. More blending of quick clips that I liked are at 3:39.
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