Well I'm not sure why I'm awake at this hour, but I decided I should write a to-do list and bore all my friends that actually read this! bwahahahahaa
-get a feckin' job!
-see more people
-borrow those psych books from the library
-work at the library!!
-I think that'll be nice..
-How hard can it be? Its nice and quiet, I get to be around books<3 I literally roll down the hill and I'm there! Saves gas money
-I don't think unnecessarily bitchy people would be my main customers..as was so in my other happy joy fun workplaces
-well work isn't supposed to be fun..
-stop talking to self
-stop being generally emo
-stop being afraid to talk to people!
-especially on the phone! come on, they can't even see you and you could just hang up if you fail *that* badly
-k, really stop talking to yourself
-you know what...stop worrying about the future, goddamnit!!
you know I should stop right there. Fuck it. I need to relax and just let things work out as they come
My inner voice needs to step up and kick me more often =)
so I need to stop uselessly clicking around the internet
http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2083009&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=1but oh my god this thing must be read by those who need a laugh. If you're lazy and want to skip the intro: this guy grades standardized tests by kids ranging in ages 8-12 I think. When asked "What is you're favorite memory" some are worthy of writing down and sharing on the interwebs! Just scroll and look for the avatar with the cookie monster. There are more on the other pages =D